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Saint Casimir Cemetery
Round Lake, Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada
Lat: 45° 36' 52"N, Lon: 77° 31' 41"WHagarty Township
Submitted by Marty C Byzewski, Apr 30, 2009, last edited May 30, 2009 [].The records Total records = 624.
This cemetery is located about 95 miles northwest of Ottawa Ontario. From Ottawa take the 417 west joining the 17 at Arnprior and continue to Renfrew where you join Highway 60 west passing through Eganville and Golden Lake. Just past Golden Lake you arrive at the town of Killaloe and turn north onto County Road 58 and drive about 8 miles when you enter the Hamlet of Round Lake. The cemetery is located at marker 2620 on your right.
This cemetery has many Polish surnames from the original Polish settlers who settled nearby in Wilno Ontario Canada. It is owned and maintained by the Saint Casimir Parish.
I walked and read this cemetery on Sep 2008/Apr 2009 using my digital camera.
- Marty C Byzewski
??, Lucy, b. 1918, d. 1930, (s/s with Frank Laginski)
Anderchek, Anthony, b. Sep 21, 1908, d. Oct 15, 1977
Anderchek, Gerald M., b. 1938, d. 2004
Anderchek, John L., b. 1939, d. 1965, Beloved Husband of Terry M. Evans
Anderchek, Julia Laginski, b. Feb 23, 1913, d. Sep 29, 1990, (w/o Anthony Andrechek)
Anderchek, Mary E. Langinskie, b. 1909, d. 1989, (w/o Michael L. Anderchek)
Anderchek, Michael L., b. 1908, d. 1988
Anderchek, Sylvester, b. Feb 2, 1950, d. Feb 14, 1950, Rest in Peace (s/o Anthony and Julia Andrechek on s/s)
Andrechek, Sandra Hannah, no dates, (w/o Thaddeus A. Andrechek)
Andrechek, Thaddeus (Ted) A., b. 1932, d. 1990, Gone Home
Bazyli, Andrew, b. Dec 12, 1922, d. Dec 16, 2000, (Klygo on headstone) The Lord is my Keeper
Bielaskie, Bradley Paul, b. Mar 12, 1978, d. Sep 2, 2003, Beloved son, grandson and brother (s/s with Philip F. Bielaskie)
Bielaskie, Monica B. Luckovitch, b. May 2, 1935, d. Jan 22, 2000, (w/o Philip F. Bielaskie)
Bielaskie, Paul, b. 1934, d. 1985, Rest in Peace
Bielaskie, Philip F., b. Apr 17, 1928, d. Jul 9, 1999, Ever Remembered Ever Loved
Bielawski, Albert, b. 1875, d. 1945, (s/s with Andrew Bielawski)
Bielawski, Andrew, b. u/k, d. Sep 29, 1935
Bielawski, Frances Kiedrowski, b. 1915, d. 1981, (w/o Izydor Bielawski)
Bielawski, Francis A., b. Jun 18, 1934, d. Feb 24, 1998, Rest In Peace Beloved Father
Bielawski, Frank A., b. 1905, d. 1984
Bielawski, Izydor, b. 1913, d. 1990, Rest in Peace
Bielawski, John J., b. 1914, d. 1937, (s/o Mary and John Bielawski)
Bielawski, John, b. 1876, d 1952
Bielawski, Joseph, b. 1906, d. 1962
Bielawski, Mary, b. 1871, d. 1947, (w/o John Bielawski)
Bielawski, Pelagia Maszk, b. 1908, d. 1973, (w/o Joseph Bielawski)
Bielawski, Rose A. Yutronki, b. 1912, d. 1995, (w/o Frank A. Bielawski)
Bielawski, Rosie L. Maszk, b. 1913, d. 1992, (w/o Thomas Bielawski)
Bielawski, Thomas, b. 1907, d. 1975, Rest in Peace
Bielawski, Viola Kulas, b. 1885, d. 1975, Rest in Peace (w/o Albert Bielawski
Biernaskie, Margaret (Dombroskie), b. Oct 25, 1943, (w/o Zigmund Biernaskie) Asleep in Jesus Christ
Biernaskie, Zigmund, b. Apr 6, 1941
Blank, Catherine, b. 1892, d. 1952
Blank, Frances, b. 1891, d. 1947, (w/o Jacob Blank)
Blank, Jacob, b. 1882, d. 1950, Rest In Peace
Borutski, Ambrose A., b. Feb 13, 1917, d. Sep 27, 1994, married on Jun 21, 1949 to Edith B. Shires
Borutski, Ambrose F., b. Dec 7, 1893, d. Jun 25, 1973, Rest in Peace (s/o Anna and Frank Borutski)
Borutski, Anastasia Glisinski, b. 1923, Mother (w/o Dennis Borutski)
Borutski, Angus Xavier, b. Apr 26, 1922, d. Jan 13, 1999, Beloved Husband of Bernadette Frances Visutski
Borutski, Anna Fleece, b. Mar 1, 1869, d. Dec 28, 1956, (w/o Frank Borutski)
Borutski, Augustina A. Lipinskie, b. 1909, d. 2002, (w/o Joseph B. Borutski)
Borutski, Bernadette Frances Visutski, b. May 26, 1934, (w/o Angus Xavier Borutski Loving Memories Last Forever
Borutski, Catherine M. Shulist, b. 1920, (w/o Dominic P. Borutski)
Borutski, Dennis, b. 1915, d. 1988, Our Loved Ones Sleep Here
Borutski, Dominic P., b. 1914, In God Have We Put Our Trust
Borutski, Edith B. Shires, b. Jun 8, 1931, (w/o Ambrose A. Borutski Loving Memories Last Forever
Borutski, Felix Paul, b. 1929, married Jun 22, 1949 We will meet again
Borutski, Frances Machud, b. 1895, d. 1957, (w/o Walter Borutski)
Borutski, Frank, b. 1870, d. May 30, 1956
Borutski, James R., b. Jul 25, 1951, d. Apr 21, 1992, Dearly Loved Son Of Ambrose A. Borutski
Borutski, Johanna, b. 1912, (on Nagle family name stone) In loving Memory Rest in Peace
Borutski, John Valentine, b. May 8, 1928, d. Jun 2, 2000, Loving Father of Enis and Karen
Borutski, Joseph B., b. 1907, d. 1976, Sweet be Thy Rest
Borutski, Kenneth Paul, b. 1942, (s/o Maximillian and Mary Borutski)
Borutski, Mary Lipinski, b. 1913, (w/o Maximillian Borutski)
Borutski, Maximillian "Max", b. 1903, d. 1987, Father He Gathers the Lambs with his arms Isaiah 40:11 Now that we have been justified by faith We are at Peace with God Romans 5:1
Borutski, Richard Anthony, b. 1949, Baby Hail Mary Holy Mary
Borutski, Sophia Ann Belaski, b. 1930, d. 1995, (w/o Felix Paul Borutski)
Borutski, Walter, b. 1881, d. 1961
Borutskie, Anastazie, b. May 3, 1873, d. Nov 10, 1931, Beloved Husband of Annie Buch
Borutskie, Annie Buch, b. Oct 30, 1889, d. Nov 01, 1964, (w/o Anastazie Borutskie) May his soul rest in Peace
Borutskie, Beatrice Mary Pecoski, b. Jun 26, 1934, d. May 13, 1995, (w/o Walter J. Borutskie)
Borutskie, Constance Borutskie Reid, b. 1943, Nee Turcotte Jesus, Have Mercy on Me
Borutskie, Walter J., b. Oct 29, 1925
Bozak, Florian Roman, b. 1922, d. 1984, He Fell Asleep in Peace
Bozek, Albert, b. 1884, d. 1961, In Their Death They were not Divided
Bozek, Johanna Chrzanowski, b. 1890, d. 1963, (w/o Albert Bozek)
Brezenski, Alexander, b. 1849, d. 1938, In Loving Memory Natives of Poland Rest in Peace
Brezenski, Veronica Wilszewski, b. 1855, d. 1931, (w/o Alexander Brezenski)
Brezynskie, Walter, b. 1883, d. 1951
Brown, Dalton J., b. 1915, d. 1971, Rest In Peace
Brown, Pearl L. Eno, b. 1912, d. 1994, (w/o Dalton J. Brown)
Brunelle, Annie Yutronkie, b. Jan 19, 1931, d. Oct 12, 2002, Beloved Wife of Richard Forever in Our Hearts
Brzezinskie, Laura L. Kaulas, b. Nov 10, 1900, d. May 3, 1978, (w/o Xavier F. Brzezinskie) His Beloved Wife
Brzezinskie, Xavier F., b. Aug 7, 1894, d. Jan 5, 1976, Father Let Thy Grace Be Given that we May meet in Heaven
Burant, Anthony Joseph, b. 1942
Burant, Doreen Utronkie, b. 1941, (w/o Anthony Burant) Loving Parents of Barry, Sandra, Robert, Anthony, Cheryl, Dean In his Will is our Peace
Burant, John Gerard, b. Jun 9, 2006, Our Little Angel Son of Robert & Mary-Jane Burant
Burchat, Bennidict L., b. Aug 18, 1933
Burchat, Helen J. Prince, b. Mar 19, 1936, (w/o Bennidict l. Burchat)
Burchat, Joseph, b. 1884, d. 1965, Rest In Peace
Burchat, Marcella M. Yantha, b. 1933, (w/o Maxie A. Burchat)
Burchat, Marvin Jerome, b. Nov 6, 1970, d. Sep 4, 2004, Forever Remembered
Burchat, Maxie, b. 1921, d. 1992, Gone But Not Forgotten
Burchat, Rev Fr. John N., b. Jan 17, 1966, Ord May 1, 1993 (s/o Helen J. Prince and Bennidict L. Burchat (s/s with Bennidict L. Burchat)
Burchat, Xavier, b. 1925, d. 1965, (s/o Joseph Burchat s/s with Joseph Burchat)
Bush, Lawrence F. "Larry", b. Feb 15, 1951, d. Sep 16, 2005, Beloved Son of Frances and Lawrence Brother of Bill, Seaforth, Rosalind,Mary Ann, Johanna "Love Each Other for my Sake"
Carty, James Francis, b. 1918, d. 1985, Beloved Husband of Margaret Mary Walsh
Carty, Margaret Mary Walsh, b. 1923, (w/o James Francis Carty) Rest in Peace
Chamot, Adam Henryk (Galka), b. Byla Ulubiona Ciocia Dla Kazdego Dziecka Wiernie Sluzyla Panu Bogu I Byla Dobra Opiekunka Jego Wielkiego Stworzenia Zyla W Pokorzi I Dobroci panie Boze Blogoslaw Nasza Rochana Hanke I miej Zawsze W
Chamot, Adam Henryk (Galka), b. Twojej Dobrej Lasce Ja I Wszystkich Takich Jak ona Wiara Wszysiko Umozliwia Milosc Wszystko Ulatwia W Panu Bogu Nasza Nadzieja panu Bogu Ueamy
Chamot, Adam Henryk (Galka), b. Jan 20, 1951, Wierny Syn Semper Fidelis Pokoj Iego Duszy (Following on Separate stone with photo of mother and son) Tu Spoczywa Nasza Kochana Hanka Byla Szlachetna Osoba, Ktora Przezyla Wiele Nieszczesc Zawsze
Chamot, Anna Malgosia (Galka), b. Jul 5, 1925, d. Sep 6, 2001, (m/o Adam Henryk Chamot) Kochana Matka Babcia I Ciocia Semper Fidelis Pokoj Jej Duszy
Chapeskie, Alice M. Mask, b. 1929, d. 2000, (w/o Leonard J. Chapeskie)
Chapeskie, Angus F., b. Jan 13, 1901, d. Feb 19, 1992, Son of Vincent and Augustina May His Soul Rest in Peace
Chapeskie, Dominica Mask, b. May 7, 1883, d. Oct 18, 1974, Wife of Angus Chapeskie Resting in Pioneer Cemetery Wilno Ont May her Soul Rest in Peace
Chapeskie, Leo Peter, b. Apr 8, 1915, d. Dec 14, 1968, Rest in Peace
Chapeskie, Leonard J., b. 1929, d. 2002, Gone But Not Forgotten
Chapeskie, Michael, b. Sep 20, 1902, d. Mar 18, 1949, In Loving Memory of Rest in Peace
Chomyshyn, Nicholas (Nick), b. Dec 18, 1913, d. Mar 18, 2007, Fondly Remembered by Those Whose Lives You Touched
Clinton, Paul, b. Nov 4, 1978, d. Nov 20, 1978, (s/s with Clarence and Judith Ann Sires) our loved one budded on earth to bloom in heaven
Cobb, Marcella F. Langinskie, b. 1933, d. 2006, Wife (w/o Wilfred Cobb)
Cobb, Wilfred, b. 1919, d. 1985, Husband
Collins, Harold L. "Pete", b. 1929, At Rest
Collins, Lucy S. Luckovitch, b. 1932, (w/o Harold Collins)
Coulas, Ambrose, no dates, Loving Sons of Frank X. and Mary
Coulas, August, b. 1923, d. 1983, At Rest
Coulas, Catherine Lorbeskie, b. 1899, (w/o Frank J. Coulas)
Coulas, Dominic Michael, b. 1925, d. 2005, Loving Sons of Frank X. and Mary
Coulas, Exavier, b. 1930, d. 1987, At Rest
Coulas, Frances Lorbetskie, b. May 10, 1901, d. Sep 22, 1977, (w/o Sylvester Coulas)
Coulas, Frank J., b. 1897, d. 1982
Coulas, Frank X., b. Oct 10, 1892, d. Feb 27, 1980, Our Loved Ones Sleep Here
Coulas, Frank, b. Jul 13, 1895, d. Oct 23, 1976, (b/o Barbara M. Coulas Shires and on same stone)
Coulas, Mary B. Prince, b. Apr 1, 1893, d. Mar 7, 1973, Beloved Wife of (Frank X. Coulas)
Coulas, Paul Anthony, b. Jan 14, 1885, d. Jan 11, 1969, Rest in Peace
Coulas, Philip A., b. 1921, Wed July 31, 1945 Parents of Ernie, Brian, Beverly, Brenda, colleen, Christine
Coulas, Stella M. Utronkie, b. 1926, d. 2001, (w/o Philip A. Coulas)
Coulas, Sylvester, b. Dec 10, 1902, d. Feb 18, 1963, Aged 60 years May his soul rest in Peace
Coulas, Sylvester, b. May 7, 1928, d. Apr 5, 2000, Son of Catherine and Frank Coulas Rest in Peace
Coulis, Albert, b. 1863, d. 1943, (s/s with John and Albert Coulis)
Coulis, John, b. 1861, d. 1952
Coulis, Mary, b. 1863, d. 1933, (s/s with John and Albert Coulis)
Covey, Gertrude, b. Oct 27, 1926, Jesus Said, Father, Forgive Them: For they know not what they do. Luke 23:34
Culos, David Mackenzie, b. Mar 19, 1961, d. Mar 6, 2000, Always Remembered, Forever Loved
Cybulski, Alexander, b. Jul 14, 1914, d. Jan 5, 1993
Cybulski, Ambrose D., b. Dec 5, 1926, d. Dec 3, 1998, Rest in Peace
Cybulski, Audrey D., b. Feb 7, 1941, d. Oct 25, 1997, (w/o Norbert J. Cybulski)
Cybulski, Barbara Mask, b. Jun 10, 1888, d. Sep 27 1954, (w/o Peter Cybulskie) **** Check dates
Cybulski, Barbara Shulist, b. 1909, d. 1992, Mother (w/o Michael Cybulski)
Cybulski, Evelyn Marie, b. 1947, d. 1950, R.I.P. Daughter of Max and Florence Cybulski
Cybulski, Florence M. Olszewski, b. Jul 22, 1913, d. May 3, 1972, (w/o Max Cybulski)
Cybulski, Gregory J., no dates, (s/s with Philip and Mary Cybulski)
Cybulski, Isadore V., b. 1924, d. 1981
Cybulski, Kathleen M. Visutski, b. Apr 28, 1922, (w/o Alexander Cybulski)
Cybulski, Laura F., b. 1925
Cybulski, Leonard Anthony, b. Jul 28, 1944, d. Sep 6, 1964, (s/s with Alexander Cybulski)
Cybulski, Mary J. Laginski, b. 1921, d. 2006, (w/o Philip Casimir Cybulski)
Cybulski, Max, b. Feb 5, 1921, d. Feb 17, 1992, In Loving Memory of Ever Remembered Ever Loved
Cybulski, Michael S., b. 1916, d. 2003
Cybulski, Michael, b. 1901, . 1958, Father Rest in Peace
Cybulski, Myrtle E. Gutoskie, b. Feb 5, 1942, ``We Trust in God`` Aug 5, 1961 (w/o Stanley Paul Cybulski)
Cybulski, Norbert J., b. May 16, 1933, Rest in Peace
Cybulski, Paul, b. Jun 29, 1920, d. Feb 4, 1998, Sep 10, 1940 Always Loved and Never Forgotten
Cybulski, Peter, b. Aug 30, 1886, d. Mar 16, 1959
Cybulski, Philip Casimir, b. 1916, d. 1998, St Casimir, Pray for Us
Cybulski, Reta M. Whalen, b. 1915, d. 2005, Apr 18, 1940, Loving Parents of Cyril, Joan, James, Wayne (w/o Michael S. Cybulski)
Cybulski, Stanley Paul, b. Apr 8,1941, d. May 29, 2005
Cybulski, Sylvester T., b. 1927, d. 1990, Rest in Peace
Cybulski, Vivian Rekowski, b. Feb 10, 1925, (w/o Paul Cybulski) Baby Joseph
Cybulski, William A., b. 1921, d. 1965, (w/o William A. Cybulski)
Cybulskie, Agnes Coulas, b. May 6, 1915, d. Jul 14, 1940, (w/o Joseph Cybulskie)
Cybulskie, Ambrose I., b. Apr 4, 1927, d. Dec 24, 2002, In Loving Memory
Cybulskie, Ann, b. Dec 5, 1966, d. Dec 5, 1966
Cybulskie, Barry, b. Jun 1963, d. Jun 1963
Cybulskie, Edward C., b. 1913, d. 1998, At Rest
Cybulskie, Garry, b. Jun 1963, d. Jun 1963, (s/s with Barry Cybulskie)
Cybulskie, Gregory P., b. 1960, d. 1979, Always Remembered
Cybulskie, John, b. 1898, d. 1949
Cybulskie, Joseph, b. 1910, d. 1956
Cybulskie, Joseph, b. Mar 15, 1913, d. Mar 20, 1942, Never will your memory Fade
Cybulskie, Lucya Olsheski, b. 1877, d. 1955, Wife of Stephen Cybulskie
Cybulskie, Muriel M. Whelan, b. 1914, d. 19867, (w/o Edward C. Cybulskie)
Cybulskie, Stella M. Luckovitch, b. Jun 27, 1934, (w/o Ambrose I. Cybulskie)
Cybulskie, Stephen, b. 1877, d. 1914
Cyra, Julia Coulas, b. Jan 19, 1891, d. May 6, 1988, (w/o Stephen Cyra)
Cyra, Stephen, b. Dec 25, 1883, d. May 13, 1955, Husband of Julia Coulas
Czapewskie, Augustina, b. Dec 22, 1869, d. Oct 15, 1943, Natives of Kalisz Poland May their souls Rest in Peace (w/o Vincent Czapewskie)
Czapewskie, Vincent, b. Jun 7, 1867, d. Feb 21, 1951
Czarnowski, Agnes, b. Aug 25, 1905, d. Feb 6, 1951, In Memory of, Dau of Joseph Lorbiecki and Julia Czapiewski wife of Theodore Czarnowski
Dauvin, Daniel J., b. Mar 16, 1942, Thy Kingdom Come Thy will Be Done
Dauvin, Mary Greve, b. Feb 1, 1943, d. Apr 17, 2002, (w/o Daniel J. Dauvin)
Dauvin, Miriam, b. Oct 20, 2000, d. Apr 6, 2001, Baby, Dearly Loved Daughter of Manuel and Faith
Dennis, Elizabeth Elsie Rekowski, b. 1946, (w/o Gordon William Dennis)
Dennis, Gordon William, b. 1943, d. 1980
Dennison, Robert John, b. Jul 11, 1934, d. Apr 12, 1999, Beloved Husband of Marian Fabian Thy Will Be Done
Dillon, Patrick Anthony, b. Aug 20, 1940, d. Jul 16, 1998
Dombroskie, Cecilia Kulas, b. Sep 19, 1943, (w/o Lawrence Dombroskie)
Dombroskie, Dominic S., b. 1909, d. 1995, Forever with the Lord
Dombroskie, Emily R. Yarascavitch, b. 1922, (w/o Dominic S. Dombroskie)
Dombroskie, Francis Cybulskie, b. 1882, d. 1937, (w/o Vencent Dombroskie)
Dombroskie, Gilbert Ronald, b. Nov 4, 1963, d. Mar 24, 1996, Dear Son of Isadore & Mary Always Loved Never Forgotten
Dombroskie, Isadore, b. 1910, d. 2001, (s/s with Kenneth Dombroskie)
Dombroskie, Kenneth, b. 1947, d. 1963
Dombroskie, Lawrence, b. Jan 11, 1938, d. Apr 6, 2005, Always Together 10-8-62
Dombroskie, Mary, b. 1924, d. 1978, (s/s with Kenneth Dombroskie)
Dombroskie, Sylvester, b. 1922, d. 1941, (s/o Vincent and Francis Dombroskie)
Dombroskie, Vencent, b. 1874, d. 1958
Dota, Ambrose P., b. 1927, d. 1998, I Thee Wed Oct 16, 1971
Dota, Anastasia Chapeskie, b. Feb 20, 1907, d. Mar 02, 1992, (w/o Joseph Dota) In God We Trust
Dota, Catherine, b. Jun 28, 1930, d. Jun 28, 1930, Infant Daughter (Joseph Dota and Anastasia Chapeskie)
Dota, Ireme M. Peplinski, b. 1936, (w/o Ambrose P. Dota)
Dota, Joseph, b. Nov 22, 1896, d. Nov 19, 1983, Beloved Husband of Anastasia Chapieskie
Dota, Mary Langenskie, b. 1880, d. 1961, Rest in Peace (w/o Thomas Dota)
Dota, Thomas, b. 1867, d. 1944, Beloved Husband of
Duggan, Mary, b. Jun 20, 1973, d. Jun 20, 1973
Elie, Edna M. Hurteau, b. 1900, d. 1970, (w/o Henry T. Elie)
Elie, Henry T., b. 1901, d. 1957, Fondly Loved and Deeply Mourned
Eno, George, b. 1894, d. 1938, In Memory of
Eno, Jean M. Pecoskie, b. 1927, (w/o Kenneth G. Eno) Oct 7, 1946 Till We meet Again
Eno, John L., b. 1907, d. 1972, (b/o Pearl L. Eno, s/s as Dalton J. Brown)
Eno, Kenneth G., b. 1920, d. 2003, Veteran WWII
Eno, Margret MacDonald, b. 1899, d. 1984, (w/o George Eno)
Eno, Ranson I., b. 1925, d. 2000
Eno, Sarah Z. Jeffrey, b. 1922, d. 1986, (w/o Ranson I. Eno)
Etmanski, Francis, b. 1870, d. 1956, In Memory of Rest in Peace
Fleece, Ben M., b. 1918, d. 2002, Forever with the Lord
Fleece, C. Eleanor Gutoskie, b. 1924, d. 2006, (w/o Ben M. Fleece) Feb 11, 1941
Fleice, Joseph Alexander, b. 1916, d. 1982, Beloved Husband of Evelyn Joy Williams Rest in Peace
Friend, Gladys M., b. 1957, d. 1965, (d/o Stephan P. and Louise L. Friend) (s/s with parents)
Friend, Louise L., b. 1916, (w/o Stephen P. Friend)
Friend, Stephan P., b. 1910, d. 1980
Gannon, Gordon Michael, b. 1943, d. 1970, Beloved Husband of Maureen Prince Ever Remembered, Ever Loved
Gannon, Maureen Kathleen Prince, b. 1944, d. 1985, Beloved Wife of Gordon Gannon & Cory LeBlanc
Gannon, Sheldon Anthony, b. 1963, d. 1987, Beloved Son of Gordon & Maureen Always in Our Hearts
Gardner, Dorothy M. Morrison, b. 1931, (w/o William L. Gardner) Loving Parents of Donna, David, Bridget, Bruce, William Brenda-Lee (Resting in Oshawa) The song has Ended but the Melody Remains the Same
Gardner, William L. "Bill", b. 1935, Aug 18, 1956 Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I will Fear No Evil 23rd Psalm
Glisinski, John C., b. Oct 17, 1893, d. Feb 3, 1976, Ever Remembered Ever Loved
Glisinski,, b. (On name on Stone)
Glisinskie, Dominic S., b. 1914, d. 1967
Glisinskie, Felix, b. 1885, d. 1979
Glisinskie, Martha, b. 1891, d. 1970
Godin, Gertrude V. Visneski, b. 1936, (w/o Roland A. Godin)
Godin, Roland A., b. 1936, d. 2002, Forever in Our Hearts
Golka, Anna M. (Burchat), b. Dec 22, 1917, d. Dec 10, 1997, Mother of Rose, Daniel, Alice, James
Golka, Daniel, b. 1938, (s/s with Anna M. Burchat)
Golka, Madeleine Gutoskie, b. 1942, (w/o Daniel Golka and s/s with Anna M. Burchat)
Grant, Rosemary, b. Apr 12, 1946, d. Apr 20, 2002
Gregg, Anthony J., b. 1913, d. 1990, Gone But Not Forgotten
Gregg, Helen A. Cybulski, b. 1925, d. 1995, (w/o Anthony J. Gregg)
Gregg, John, b. 1885, d. 1955
Gregg, Margaret Brezyneski, b. 1980, d. 1991, (w/o John Gregg)
Guilmette, Garry L., b. 1941
Guilmette, Marilyn G. Amo, b. 1946, (w/o Garry L. Guilmette)
Gutoski, John J., b. Feb 6, 1938
Gutoski, John K., b. Oct 11, 1962, d. Dec 17, 2003, (s/o John J. and Theresa Cybulski on same stone)
Gutoski, Theresa M. Cybulski, b. Sep 6, 1942, (w/o John J. Gutoski)
Gutoskie, John A., b. 1903, d. 1990, In God Have I Put My Trust
Hall, Madeline, b. d. Jul 31, 2006, (Wooden Cross)
Hermant, Rose A. Lipinski, b. 1911, (w/o Victor J. Hermant)
Hermant, Victor J., b. 1910, d. 1995, Ever Remembered Ever Loved
Hubers, Jessica Rose, b. Jul 1, 1992, d. Jul 1, 1992, Beloved Daughter of Tim and Rosanne "Always in our Hearts"
Jablonski, Edwin, b. 1956, d. 1993, Son of Henry & Veronica (Jablonski)
Jablonski, Henry E., b. Jun 8, 1919, d. Dec 31, 1971, Beloved Husband of Veronica F. Prince
Jablonski, Teresa A., b. Apr 8, 1970, d. Feb 6, 1972, Safe in the Arms of Jesus (d/o Henry and Veronica Prince Jablonski)
Jedrzejczyk, Albert, b. 1855, d. 1930, Natives of Poland
Jedrzejczyk, Margaret, b. 1865, d. 1937, Natives of Poland (w/o Albert Jedrzejczyk)
Jeffrey, Henry J., b. 1913, d. 1983, Holy Mary Mother of God, Pray for Us
Jeffrey, MaryBell Pecore, b. 1890, d. 1947, (w/o Wm A. Jeffrey)
Jeffrey, Myrtle E., b. 1919, d. 1939, R.I.P. (d/o Wm and Marybell Jeffrey)
Jeffrey, Victoria Prince, b. 1914, d. 1999, (w/o Henry J. Jeffrey)
Jeffrey, Wm A., b. 1888, d.1940
Jolkowski, Albert, b. Mar 22, 1863, d. Oct 2, 1947, Rest in Peace
Jolkowski, Catherine Chapeskie, b. 1895, d. 1969, (w/o Catherine Chapeskie)
Jolkowski, Elizabeth, b. Nov 10, 1866, d. Feb 8, 1934, Beloved Wife of Albert Jolkowski
Jolkowski, Frank, b. 1892, d. 1970, Father
Jolkowski, Ks. Pawel, b. Jan 11, 1898, d Jun 29, 1940, Ks. Urodzie Sie Dnia Ilgo Stycznia 1898 Umare Dnia 29 Co Czerwca 1940 Prosi o Dzrowas
Jolkowski, Margaret, b. 1928, d. 1933, Daughter (Frank and Catherine Jolkowski)
Jolkowski, Rev Paul J. Jolkowski, b. Jan 11, 1898, d. Jun 29, 1940, (on same stone with Polish Version see Ks Pawel J. Jolkowski)
Kedroskie, Catherine, b. u/k, d. Mar 20, 1947, (w/o Peter Kedroskie)
Kedroskie, Peter, b. u/k, d. Nov 4, 1940, Rest in Peace
King, Bernadette A. Pasco, b. 1924, d. 1984, In Loving Memory (w/o Gordon A. King)
King, Gordon A., b. 1922, d. 1984, In Their Death They were not Divided
Klimuk, Adolf Kazimierz, b. Jul 12, 1913, d. Jun 8, 1998, Beloved Husband of
Klimuk, Helen Rose Fleece, b. Feb 11, 1920, (w/o Adolf Kazimierz)
Kubusheskie, Steven Walter, b. 1909, d. 1991, Wed Nov 12, 1942 Ever Remembered Ever Loved
Kubusheskie, Susan A. Luckovitch, b. 1923, d. 1998, (w/o Steven Walter Kubusheskie)
Kulas, Rev Theodore E., b. Oct 30, 1905, d. Oct 29, 1972, In Loving Memory, Ordained May 30, 1929 Gone but Not Forgotten
Kunopaski, Agnes H. Lipinski, b. 1919, (w/o Felix B. Kunopaski)
Kunopaski, Felix B., b. 1919, d. 1997, Parents of Anthony and Peter
Kunopaski, Josephine R. Prince, b. Mar 19, 1916, d. Sep 5, 2001, (w/o Walter L. Kunopaski)
Kunopaski, Walter L., b. Apr 17, 1915, d. Oct 28, 1971, The Lord is Thy Keeper
Kunopaskie, John Thomas, b. Aug 30, 1950, d. Jul 2, 1958, Our Darling Son Rest in Peace Died at .urder Lake
Kunopaskie, Martin, b. 1881, d. 1956
Lafleur, Ellard d., b. 1913, d. 1986, In Loving Memory of Rest in Peace Forever in Our Hearts
Lafleur, William, b. 1858, d. 1930, Rest in Peace HIS
Laginski, Edna C. LaFrance, b. Mar 22, 1934, (w/o Xavier Francis Laginski)
Laginski, Frank, b. 1886, d. 1933
Laginski, Stefania Swierzowski, b. 1882, d. 1966, (w/o Frank Laginski)
Laginski, Xavier Francis, b. Feb 20, 1932, Dec 29, 1956, Loving Parents of Colleen, James, Joan, Marc
Laginskie, Ambrose J., b. 1923, d. 1982, Amazing Grace
Laginskie, Bridget M. Lechowicz, b. Oct 6, 1914, (w/o John S. Laginskie)
Laginskie, Florence A. Pecoskie, b. 1926, (w/o Ambrose J. Laginskie)
Laginskie, John S., b. May 1, 1913, d. Feb 6, 2001, June 14, 1944 Our Father Who Art in Heaven
Laginskie, Josephine Lepinskie, b. 1891, d. 1971, (w/o Stanley Laginskie) Holy Mary Mother of God Pray for Us
Laginskie, Stanley, b. 1883, d. 1960
Lapinski, Alex, b. 1898, d. 1971, (h/o Josephine Cybulski) Rest In Peace
Lapinski, Alice, no dates, Beloved Daughter of Alex & Josephine Lapinski
Lapinski, Josephine Cybulski, b. 1904, d. 1977, In Loving Memory
Lapinski, Mary Kulas, b. 1883, d. 1960, (w/o Paul A. Lapinski)
Lapinski, Maximillian, b. 1917, d. 1992, (Poss son of Paul A. and Mary Kulas Lapinski on same stone)
Lapinski, Paul A., b. 1874, d. 1966, Rest in Peace
Lapinski, Syl, no dates, Beloved Son of Alex & Josephine Lapinski
Laska, Michael, b. 1856, d. 1939
Laska, Pauline Turenskie, b. 1886, d. 1938, (w/o Michael Laska)
Lazenski, Jim, b. 1881, d. 1952, (s/s with Pauline Lazenski) Two Infants
Lazenski, Maxie E., b. 1912, d. 1930, (s/s with Pauline Lazenski)
Lazenski, Pauline, b. 1850, d. 1943
Lazinski, Augustina Jereczek, b. 1889, d. 1960, Beloved wife of Joseph Lazinski
Lazinski, Joseph, b. 1883, d. 1967, In Loving Memory Rest in Peace
Lazinski, Paul G., b. Apr 3, 1910, d. Dec 13, 1983, (s/s with Peter A. Lazinski)
Lazinski, Peter A., b. Jun 29, 1915, d. Jul 19, 1973, Gone But Not Forgotten
Lenart, Frances Mask, b. Aug 15, 1918, d. Feb 15, 2005, (w/o Joseph Lenart)
Lenart, Joseph, no dates, Buried at Englehart
LeVaire, Alexander, b. 1911, d. 1998, Lord let your love rest on us as our hope has rested in you
LeVaire, Joseph T., b. 1903, d. 1991
LeVaire, Louise Kedroskie, b. 1917, d. 1994, (w/o Joseph T. LeVair In his will is our Peace
LeVaire, Rose A. Cybulskie, b. 1910, d. 1993, (w/o Alexander LeVaire)
LeVaire, Thomas, b. 1939, d. 2005, (s/o Joseph T and Louise Kedroskie Levair)
Lipinski, Ksawer, b. Sep 21, 1922, d. Nov 22, 1942, Tu Spoczywa S.P. Urdozil Sie 21 Wrzesnia 1922, Umarl 22 Listopada 1942
Literski, Bronis, b. 1928, d. 1942, Their Dear Son (s/o Vincent and Mary Literski)
Literski, Mary A. Recoski, b. 1904, d. 1998, (w/o Vincent Literski)
Literski, Vincent, b. 1896, d. 1964, In Loving Memory Gone But Not Forgotten
Lorbetski, Agnes R. Luckovitch, b. 1917, d. 2003, Rest in Peace (w/o Ambrose J. Lorbetski)
Lorbetski, Ambrose J., b. 1913, d. 1986, Beloved Husband
Lorbetski, Annie L. Cybulski, b. 1916, d. 1980, (w/o Frank P. Lorbetski)
Lorbetski, Audrey L. Friend, b. Jul 8, 1940, d. Nov 14, 1982, Beloved wife of Kenneth P. Lorbetski Safe in the Arms of Jesus
Lorbetski, Frank P., b. 1911, d. 1983, Rest in Peace
Lorbetskie, Cecil J., b. 1947, d. 1972, Beloved Husband of Phyllis L. Scott Father of Laticia Rest in Peace
Lorbetskie, Joseph R., b. 1907, d. 1981
Lorbetskie, Joseph, b. 1872, d. 1964
Lorbetskie, Josephine M. Gutoskie, b. 1910, d. 1989, Rest in the Lord (w/o Joseph R. Lorbetskie)
Lorbetskie, Juliana Chapeskie, b. 1879, d. 1977, His Wife (w/o Joseph Lorbetskie)
Lorebetski, Gerard, b. Oct 7, 1950
Luckovich, Dominic M., b. 1932, d. 1932, (s/o Martin and Pauline Luckovich)
Luckovich, John, b. 1920, d. 1989, At Rest
Luckovich, Martin T., no dates, (s/o Martin and Pauline Luckovich)
Luckovich, Martin, b. 1880, d. 1957, Beloved Husband of Pauline B.
Luckovich, Pauline B., b. 1898, d. 1981, (w/o Martin Luckovich)
Luckovitch, Angus, b. 1888, d. 1961
Luckovitch, Anne E. Laska, b. 1894, d. 1964, (w/o Jacob Luckovitch)
Luckovitch, Annie Visneskie, b. 1908, d. 1994, (w/o Angus Luckovitch)
Luckovitch, Benny, b. 1943, d. 2004, At Rest
Luckovitch, Edward I., b. 1926, Peace, Perfect Peace
Luckovitch, Jacob, b. 1902, d. 1968, Rest in Peace
Luckovitch, Jacqueline Chapeskie, b. 1938, (w/o Edward I. Luckovitch)
Luckwicz, Augustyna Yantha, b. 1873, d. 1941, (w/o Paul Lukowicz)
Luckwicz, Paul, b. 1908, d. 1984, (s/o Paul and Augustyna Lukowicz)
Lukowicz, Paul, b. 1873, d. 1957
Mackwood, Adam, b. 1888, d. 1965, Rest in the Lord (s/s with Frances and Margaret Mackwood)
Mackwood, Frances, b. 1893, d. 1972
Mackwood, Margaret, b. 1894, d. 1938, (w/o Frances Mackwood)
Manders, Margaret Tomchick, b. 1908, d. 2001, (w/o Raymond Mandeers)
Manders, Raymond, b. 1904, . 1946, Rest in Peace
Mask, Agnes M. Prince, b. 1934, (w/o Bronis M. Mask)
Mask, Albert, b. Apr 7, 1912, d. Oct 18, 1931
Mask, Alex M., b. 1941, (married) Oct 12, 1963
Mask, Ambrose J., b. 1914, d. 1981, Beloved Husband of Margaret J. Voldock
Mask, Anastasia, b. 1874, d. 1967, (w/o John Mask)
Mask, Anna Mary Recoskie, b. 1945, (w/o Alex M. Mask) Parents of Richard, Bryan, Terrance, Lori, Steven
Mask, Anna Prince, b. Feb 27, 1895, d. Mar 18, 1978, (w/o Anthony Mask)
Mask, Annie E., b. 1905, d. 1981, (w/o John D. Mask)
Mask, Anthony, b. Feb 26, 1925, d. Feb 28, 2005, Safe in the Arms of Jesus
Mask, Anthony, b. Jan 12, 1878, d. Sep 7, 1947, (s/s with Albert Mask)
Mask, August Adam, b. Dec 23, 1919, d. Oct 21, 1998
Mask, August, b. Aug 27, 1908, d. Dec 22, 1994, Rest in Peace
Mask, Barbara, b. Jun 10, 1893, d. Sep 27, 1954, Mother
Mask, Benedict J., b. 1926, d. 2006, (married) Jun 30, 1962 Parents of Andrew, Darlene, Gregory
Mask, Bernard, b. 1870, d. 1944
Mask, Bronis M., b. 1929, d. 1990, Hail Mary Pray for Us
Mask, Carl, b. 1944, d. 1945, (s/o Ambrose and Margaret Mask) Infant Son At Rest
Mask, Dominic Raymond, b. Aug 14, 1925, d. Apr 14, 2003, Son of Florian and Rose "O Goody, Goody"
Mask, Elsie Borutski, b. Feb 4, 1940, (w/o Maxie Mask)
Mask, Felix, b. 1899, d. 1972, (s/o Bernard and Pauline Mask) (On (on s/s)
Mask, Florence M. Burant, b. 1938, (w/o Benedict J. Mask)
Mask, Florian, b. 1895, d. 1969, Husband of Rose Jean Andrechek)
Mask, Frank F., b. 1892, d. 1956
Mask, Frank J., b. Apr 4, 1891, d. Jul 3, 1961, Beloved Husband of
Mask, Frank, b. Mar 17, 1878, d. Aug 5, 1968, Beloved Father
Mask, Gladys Mildred, b. Oct 5, 1925, (w/o August Adam Mask)
Mask, John D., b. 1900, d. 1989, Rest in the Lord
Mask, John P., b. 1950, d. 1979, (s/o Roman and Laura Mask)
Mask, John, b. 1858, d. 1943
Mask, John, b. 1876, d. 1931, Rest in Peace
Mask, Joseph, b. 1922, Dad Mom Together Forever
Mask, Joyce Fabian, b. Nov 26, 1934, d. Aug 3, 2006, (w/o Anthony Mask)
Mask, Julia A. Pecoskie, b. 1930, (w/o Joseph Mask)
Mask, Laura V. Vonsick, b. 1917, d. 1996
Mask, Lucy M., b. Oct 14, 1919, (w/o Thomas V. Mask)
Mask, Magdalene, b. 1883, d. 1929, Rest in Peace
Mask, Marcella C. Soikie, b. 1933, d. 1999, (w/o Paul P. Mask) Amazing Grace Asleep in Jesus
Mask, Margaret Coulas, b. 1902, d. 1956, (w/o Frank F. Mask)
Mask, Margaret Gallagher, b. Mar 6, 1891, d. May 9, 1978, (w/o Frank J. Mask)
Mask, Margaret J. Voldock, b. 1916, d. 1986, (w/o Ambrose J. Mask)
Mask, Mary Trebenski, no dates
Mask, Maxie, b. Nov 1, 1935, d. Apr 20, 2001, Forever in Our Hearts (married) Nov 16, 1957
Mask, Michael F., b. 1913, d. 1997, Son (s/o Victoria Chapeskie)
Mask, Michael, b. 1926, (s/o Florian and Rose Jean Andrechek)
Mask, Paul P., b. 1927, d. 1988, Beloved Husband of Marcella C. Soikie
Mask, Pauline Coulas, b. 1867, d. 1951, (w/o Bernard Mask)
Mask, Roman, b. 1897, d. 1984, Forever with the Lord
Mask, Rory B., b. 1875, d. 1962, (h/o Magdalene Mask)
Mask, Rose Jean Andrechek, b. 1895, (w/o Florian Mask)
Mask, Stella Visneskie, b. 1910, d. 2001, (w/o Felix Mask) Infant Daughter
Mask, Tessie Mask, b. Jan 2, 1924, d. May 10, 1956, (d/o Anthony Mask and Anna Prince)
Mask, Thomas J., b. 1937, (s/o Roman and Laura Mask)
Mask, Thomas V., b. Sep 1, 1913, d. Nov 4, 1971
Mask, Victoria Chapeskie, b. 1883, d. 1976, Rest in Peace
Mask, Walter, b. 1914, d. 1962, Their Sons (s/o John and Anastasia Mask)
Maszk, Isidore, b. 1880, d. 1956, Rest in Peace
Maszk, Josephine Lazinski, b. 1887, d. 1957, In Loving Memory Wife of Isidore Maszk
McIntyre, Hazel E. Eno, b. 1904, d. 1993, Rest in Peace (w/o John W. McIntyre)
McIntyre, John W., b. 1893, d. 1974, Beloved Husband of
McIntyre, Olive M., b. 1933, d. 1978, Ever Loved Ever Missed
Murack, Albert J.Jr, b. 1907, d. 1976, Rest in Peace
Murack, Frances, b. 1908, d. 2006, (w/o Paul Murack)
Murack, Paul, b. 1893, d. 1952, Rest in Peace
Nagle, Johanna Borutski, b. 1912, Rest in Peace In Loving Memory
Narezny, Agnes Frances Visneskie, b. Dec 26, 1935, (w/o Wlodzimierz Narezny)
Narezny, Christine Ann, b. May 12, 1954, d. Aug 16, 1995, Forever Loved, Forever Rememberte (d/o Wlodzimierz and Agnes Narezny)
Narezny, Wlodzimierz (Walter), b. May 15, 1930, born in Poland
Nass, Evelyn Laginskie, b. Sep 11, 1926, (w/o Meldron Nass)
Nass, Meldron "Mel", b. Apr 01, 1922, June 11, 1945 Beloved Husband of Evelyn Laginskie Hail Mary Pray for Us
Nass, Sharon, b. Sep 16, 1946, (d/o Meldron and Evelyn Nass)
Neff, Allen C., b. Jun 29, 1942, d. Nov 24, 1979
Neff, Allen Carl, no dates, Caring Husband of Tiny and loving Father to Duane, Randy, Todd
Neitzel, Agnes Laginski, b. 1921, d. 2002, (w/o Herbert Neitzel)
Neitzel, Herbert "Herb", b. 1915, d. 1987
Palubeskie, Julia Jolkowski, b. 1860, d. 1932, (m/o Rose Coulas Voldock and on same stone)
Pasco, Angus, b. 1898
Pasco, Angus, b. Apr 24, 1939, d. Nov 29, 2001, Erin Go Bagh
Pasco, Frank John, b. 1930, d. 2000, Rest in Peace
Pasco, Madesta Ryan, b. Nov 2, 1943, d. Jan 14, 2008, (w/o Angus Pasco)
Pasco, Stasia Blank, b. 1900, d. 1964, In loving memory (s/s with Angus Pasco)
Pecoskie, Agnes, b. 1923, d. 2002, (w/o Edward Pecoskie)
Pecoskie, Dorothy F. Pecarskie, b. Jan 29, 1948, d. Jun 25, 2002, (w/o Stanley P. Pecoskie) Beloved parents of Joanne
Pecoskie, Edward, b. 1919, d. 1968
Pecoskie, Frank, b. 1874, d. 1956, Beloved Husband of Veronica Borutskie
Pecoskie, Joseph, b. 1898, d. 1976, Rest in Peace
Pecoskie, Leonard, b. 1946, d. 1964, Father! Let thy grace be given that we may meet in heaven son of Edward 1919-1968, Agnes 1923-2002
Pecoskie, Marcella, b. 1934, Their Child (d/o Joseph and Mary Pecoskie)
Pecoskie, Mary Yanta, b. 1898, d. 1966, (w/o Joseph Pecoskie)
Pecoskie, Robert J., b. Oct 7, 1921, d. Jun 26, 1990, Wed Aug 14, 1945, Beloved parents who gave all and asked for nothing
Pecoskie, Stanley P., b. Aug 1, 1940
Pecoskie, Stella E., b. Jun 25, 1923, (w/o Robert J. Pecoskie)
Pecoskie, Veronica Borutskie, b. 1879, d. 1961, (w/o Frank Pecoskie)
Peplinski, Ambrose D., b. 1911, d. 1975, Rest in Peace
Peplinski, Lucy Jendrzejewski, b. Nov 12, 1914, (w/o Vincent Peplinski)
Peplinski, Monica C. Sernoski, b. 1920, d. 1952, and his wife (w/o Ambrose D. Peplinski)
Peplinski, Peter M., b. 1917, d. 1995, June 29, 1943
Peplinski, Veronica M. Sernoski, b. 1913, d. 2003, (w/o Peter M. Peplinski) Ever Remembered Ever Loved
Peplinski, Vincent, b. Mar 30, 1906, d. Feb 25, 1996, Parents of Donald, David, James, Richard, Elinor, Noreen, Catherine, Alice
Peplinskie, Albert, b. 1912, d. 1983, Beloved Husband of Alta Summers Rest in Peace
Perrigo, Allan George, b. 1936, d. 1987, Beloved son of Andrew & Mabel in God's Care
Perrigo, Andrew S., b. 1905, d. 1970
Perrigo, Ellen Daley, b. 1879, d. 1940, (w/o George Perrigo)
Perrigo, George, b. 1876, d. 1947
Perrigo, Lawrence P., b. 1918, d. 1944, (s/o George and Ellen Daley Perrigo on same stone)
Perrigo, Mabel M., b. 1913, d. 2001, His Wife Forever in our Hearts, (w/o Andrew S. Perrigo)
Perrigo, Patrick J., b. 1907, d. 1936, (s/o George and Ellen Daley Perrigo on same stone)
Perrigo, Wilfrid G., b. 1912, d. 1954, (s/o George and Ellen Daley Perrigo on same stone)
Petroskie, Annie, b. 1905, (w/o Stephen Petroskie)
Petroskie, Dave Arno, b. 1911, (s/o with Stephen and Annie Petroskie) Rest in Peace
Petroskie, Michael, b. 1927, (s/o Stephen and Michael Petroskie o/s Stone)
Petroskie, Stephen, b. 1898, d. 1940
Piechowski, Annastasia, b. Feb 12, 1922, d. aug 3, 1947, (w/o Anthony Piechowski)
Piechowski, Anthony, b. Jan 17, 1919, d. Nov 4, 1944, Eternal Rest Grant unto Them
Pierunek, Adam, b. 1901, d. 19..
Pierunek, Albert, b. 1917, d. 2006
Pierunek, Frances, b. u/k, d. Mar 19, 1953, (w/o Frank Pierunek)
Pierunek, Frank, b. u/k, d. Jan 13, 1946
Pierunek, Mary, b. 1907, d. 1981
Prince, Agnes Joan, b. Oct 7, 1951, d. Feb 22, 2002, wife of David M. Culos Dear Mother of Maureen and Stephanie Forever in our Hearts
Prince, Agnieska, b. Jan 4, 1895, d. Dec 23, 1978, (w/o Jan Prince) Urodzona 4 Go Stycznia 1895 zmarla 23 Go Grudnia 1978
Prince, Anthony S., b. 1907, d. 1965
Prince, Frank, b. 1890, d. 19.., Rest in Peace (s/s with Stephen Prince)
Prince, Jan, b. Dec 14, 1876, d. Aug 20, 1951, Tu Spoczywa S.P. Urodzil sie 14 go Grudnia 1876, Umarl Dnia 20 Go Sierpnia 1951 Prosi O Zdrowas
Prince, Joseph F., b. Oct 31, 1931, Son of John & Agnes St Theresa, Pray for Us
Prince, Julia D. Bielawski, no dates, (w/o Thomas B. Prince) In loving memory of
Prince, Leo Joseph, b. Jan 31, 1946, d. Dec 16, 1999, Our Dear Son and Brother (s/o Anthony and Mary Prince plate on s/s)
Prince, Martin, b. 1901, d. 19.., (s/s with Stephen Prince)
Prince, Mary T., b. 1915, d. 1994, (w/o Anthony S. Prince) To Memory Ever Dear
Prince, Monica, b. Nov 18, 1925, d. Jul 7, 1950, Rest in Peace
Prince, Omer J., b. 1948, d. 1996, Brother of (Raymond J. Prince) Rest Peacefully
Prince, Raymond J., b. 1942, d. 2002
Prince, Stephen, b. 1910, d. 1968
Prince, Thomas B., b. 1928, d. 1993
Recoskie, Bernice B. Lorbetskie, b. 1935, d. 1988, Beloved wife of Dominic A. Recoskie
Recoskie, Christian, b. 1929, d. 1929, (s/o Vincent and Irene Recoskie on same stone)
Recoskie, Dominic A., b. 1924, d. 1997, Safe in the Arms of Jesus
Recoskie, Evelyn, b. 1932, d. 1933, (d/o Vincent and Irene Recoskie on same stone)
Recoskie, Irene C. Fabian, b. 1906, d. 1993, (w/o Vincent Rekowski)
Recoskie, James D., b. 1955, d. 1997, Their Son (s/o Bernice and Dominic A. Recoskie)
Recoskie, Kathleen, b. 1934, d. 1934, (d/o Vincent and Irene Recoskie on same stone)
Recoskie, Vincent, b. 1900, d. 1986
Reid, Allan "Terry", b. 1951, d. 2006
Reid, Rita Mary Prince, no dates, Forever in Our Hearts (w/o Allan Reid)
Rekowski, Albert, b. 1932, d. 1994, Brothers Never will your Memory Fade
Rekowski, Francis, no date, d. Jan 29, 1956, Husband of Genevieve Lorbetskie
Rekowski, Genevieve Lorbetskie, no date, d. Jan 11, 1977, (Bottom of Stone Rekowski's)
Rekowski, Raymond, b. 1943, (s/s with Albert Rekowski) Brothers
Rekowski, Simon, no date, d. May 7, 2002, (s/o Francis and Genevieve Rekowski)
Rekowski, Zigmund, no date, d. Aug 10, 1980, (s/o Francis and Genevieve Rekowski)
Roche, Cecelia Harrington, b. 1915, d. 1999, (w/o Martin J. Roche)
Roche, Martin J., b. 1911, d. 1983, Beloved Husband of
Roesler, George D., b. u/k, d. Sep 1, 1980, Erected by his Friends
Rozek, Tony B., b. 1898, d. 1985, In Loving Memory Of, Rest in Peace
Sakorensky, Archie A., b. 1881, d. 1967, Born in Poland Rest in Peace
Sernoski, Agnes E. Gregg, b. 1916, d. 2004, (w/o August F. Sernoski) Forever with The Lord
Sernoski, Agnes, b. 1929, (d/o John and Catherine Sernoski)
Sernoski, August F., b. 1910, d. 1993
Sernoski, Benny, b. 1928, d. 1935, (s/o John and Catherine Sernoski)
Sernoski, Catherine, b. 1887, d. 1930, (w/o John Sernoski)
Sernoski, John, b. 1884, d. 1965
Sernoski, Joseph, b. u/k, Grandson (g/s of John and Catherine Sernoski)
Sernoski, Marilyn Ellen Mosack, b. 1938, d. 1983, (w/o Walter S. Sernoski)
Sernoski, Walter S., b. 1915, d. 2001, PTE CEC (Private)
Sernoskie, Aloysius J., b. 1903, d. 2000, In Loving Memory
Sernoskie, Anna A., b. 1929, (w/o Arnold M. Sernoskie)
Sernoskie, Anthony J., b. 1910, d. 1985
Sernoskie, Arnold M., b. 1931
Sernoskie, Arthur P., b. 1950, d. 1974
Sernoskie, Joseph R., b. (1912), d. 1979
Sernoskie, M Catherine Bozak, b. 1911, d. 1999, (w/o Aloysius J. Sernoskie)
Sernoskie, Mary F., b. 1943, (w/o Anthony J. Sernoskie)
Sernoskie, Raymond Gregory, b. 1938, d. 2000, (s/s with Arthur P. Sernoskie)
Shires, Barbara M. Coulas, b. Nov 16, 1906, d. Nov 19, 1975, (w/o F. Peter Shires)
Shires, Clarence Andrew, b. Jan 28, 1948, married December 18, 1971
Shires, F. Peter, b. Oct 3, 1904, d. Jun 4, 1985, Asleep in Jesus In Loving Memory of
Shires, Helen P. Mask, b. Aug 13, 1930, d. Dec 18, 1991, (w/o Kennetth John Shires) June 1950
Shires, Joseph Francis, b. Mar 4, 1936, d. Feb 25, 2001, Loving Husband of Gertrude Dupuis Father of John (Penny), Granpa of Teneya Life's Race Well Run
Shires, Judith Ann Nass, b. Aug 4, 1950, (w/o Clarence Andrew Shires)
Shires, Kenneth John, b. Jan 14, 1929, d. Oct 13, 1991, Mom and Dad Together Again
Smith, Annie T., no date, 1941, Died Blessed are the Pure in Heart for They Shall See God (s/s with Stephan P and Louise L. Friend)
Spilek, Anthony, b. Jun 10, 1910, d. Dec 25, 1987, In God's Care
Spilek, Victoria E. Blank, b. Dec 23, 1930, (w/o Anthony R. Spilek)
Summers, Allan J., b. Nov 12, 1948, d. Apr 19, 1990, In God Have I Put My Trust
Summers, Jessie Jeffrey, b. Jan 17, 1915, d. Feb 13, 1985, Beloved Wife of Stanley Summers
Summers, John, b. Apr 9, 1941, d. May 5, 1941, Our Darling Infant
Summers, Kevin, b. Dec 20, 1953, d. Aug 15, 1971, Loved Forever
Surnoski, Phillip T., b. Jul 5, 1895, d. Jun 11, 1967, (s/s with Agnes Czarnowski)
Swierzowski, Mary Hypski, b. 1865, d. 1928, (w/o Paul Swierzowski)
Swierzowski, Paul, b. 1861, d. 1938, (s/s with Frank Laginski)
Tomchick, Anna B. Etmanski, b. 1895, d. 1984, (w/o Frank S. Tomchick)
Tomchick, Catherine Minto, b. 1867, d. 1944, (Wife of Joseph Tomchick)
Tomchick, Frank S., b. 1894, d. 1941, Rest in Peace
Tomchick, Joseph, b. 1891, d. 1978, Rest in Peace
Trebenskie, Frances, b. Mar 8, 1905, d. Nov 22, 1970, May Eternal Peace be Yours
Trebenskie, Paul D., b. Jun 16, 1900, d. Jan 19, 1971, In Loving memory of Gone but Not Forgotten
Trebinski, Anthony, b. 1861, d. 1943
Trebinski, Frances Jolkowskie, b. 1866, d. 1962, (w/o Anthony Trebinski)
Visneski, Albert, b. u/k, d. Jun 26, 1939
Visneski, Frank, b. u/k, d. Jun 10, 1944
Visneski, Frank,Sr", b. u/k, d. Apr 16, 1935
Visneski, Gerald Thomas, b. Dec 22, 1924
Visneski, Gertrude M. Bielawski, b. 1940, (w/o Stanley Visneski married May 4, 1963
Visneski, Joseph D., b. 1904, d. 1964, Father let they grace be given that we may meet in Heaven
Visneski, Mary M., b. 1930, d. 1971, (d/o Joseph D. and Veronica Visneski)
Visneski, Stanley L. "Stan", b. 1932, d.
Visneski, Thedoria Frances Yantha, b. Jun 7, 1930, Jun 8, 1948 O Lord Grant Us Peace (w/o Gerald Thomas Visneski)
Visneski, Veronica A. Murack, b. 1895, d. 1993, Mother (w/o Joseph D. Visneski)
Visneskie, Alphonse B., b. 1915, d. 1975, Rest in Peace (s/o Frank and Leona Visneskie)
Visneskie, Anthony, b. 1903, d. 1957, Beloved Husband of Cecelia Mask
Visneskie, Barbara M. Buch, no dates, (w/o Thomas S. Visneskie)
Visneskie, Basil R., b. 1929, d. 2003, Beloved Parents of Lorraine, Janice, Glenn, Dale
Visneskie, Cecelia Mask, b. 1906, d. 1957, (w/o Anthony Visneskie)
Visneskie, Frances, b. 1932, d. 1933, (s/o Anthony and Cecelia Visneskie)
Visneskie, Henry, b. Aug 8, 1884, d. Jun 6, 1950
Visneskie, Jean Sernoskie, b. 1921, (w/o Louis Visneskie) In God's Keeping
Visneskie, Leona McClusky, b. 1885, d. 1970, Wife of Frank Visneskie
Visneskie, Louis, b. 1906, d. 1975
Visneskie, Margaret Bielaskie, b. Jun 25, 1881, d. Nov 19, 1963, (w/o Henry Visneskie)
Visneskie, Theresa H. Utronkie, b. 1932, d. 2004, (w/o Basil R. Visneskie)
Visneskie, Thomas S., b. 1927, d. 1995, Beloved Husband of Barbara M. Buch
Voldock, Agnes A. Glofcheskie, b. Mar 28, 1925, (w/o Florian A. Voldock)
Voldock, Anthony, b. 1890, d. 1942, At Rest
Voldock, August, b. 1929, d. 1929, (s/o Anthony and Rose Voldock) Infant
Voldock, Florian A., b. Sep 9, 1922
Voldock, Frances Laturski, b. 1896, d. 1933, (w/o John Voldock)
Voldock, Jerome, b. 1933, d. 1934, Son (s/o John and Frances Voldock)
Voldock, John, b. 1883, d. 1957, Memorial Erected by Family
Voldock, Rose Coulas, b. 1891, d. 1989, (w/o Anthony Voldock)
Vonsick, Annie Mask, b. 1895, d. 1975, In Loving Memory Wife of John Vonsick Rest in Peace
Vonsick, Joseph, b. Mar 15, 1921, d. May 27, 1999
Walsheskie, Mary Coulas, b. 1890, d. 1959, Beloved Wife of (Stephen Walsheskie)
Walsheskie, Stephen, b. 1885, d. 1965, Rest in Peace
Whalen, Lawrence J., b. Feb 1, 1917, d. Oct 2, 1985, (h/o Tessie Mask)
Whalen, Tessie Mask, b. May 8, 1918, (d/o Frank Mask)
Willett, Alyce A. Coulas, b. 1925, May Jesus have mercy on our souls (w/o Frank L. Willett)
Willett, Frank I., b. 1926, d. 1966, Beloved Husband of (Alyce A. Coulas)
Wolfgram, Beatrice Brezynskie, b. 1921, d. 1994, (w/o Peter Wolfgram) Together in God's Care
Wolfgram, Peter, b. 1910, d. 1955, His Beloved Wife Beatrice Brezynskie
Yantha, Barry A., b. 1957, d. 1990, Son (s/o Peter and Carmel Dunn Yantha)
Yantha, Benedict M., b. Apr 14, 1959, d. Nov 22, 1959, Infant Son of Peter and Carmel
Yantha, Carmel N. Dunn, b. 1933, (w/o Peter F. Yantha)
Yantha, Darrell R., b. 1975, d. 1979, Beloved Son
Yantha, Frances, b. 1891, d. 1956, Mother (w/o Ted Yantha)
Yantha, Ida M. Fabian, b. 1925, d. 2002, (w/o Michael B. Yantha)
Yantha, Julia, b. 1895, d. 1930
Yantha, Mary, b. 1923, (s/s with Julia Yantha)
Yantha, Michael B., b. 1918, d. 1998, married Aug 19, 1941 Parents of Margaret, Eldon, Catherine, Betty, Wanda
Yantha, Michael, b. 1888, d. 10972, (s/s with Julia Yantha)
Yantha, Paul, b. 1832, d. 1925, (s/s with Julia Yantha)
Yantha, Peter F., b. 1912, d. 1994, Safe in the Arms of Jesus
Yantha, Ted, b. 1884, d. 1930, Gone But Not Forgotten
Yantha, Thomas Michael, b. Sep 13, 1914, d. Nov 12, 1994, Son of Theodore and Frances (s/s with Gerald Thomas and Thedoria Visneski)
Yarascavitch, Caroline S. Norlock, b. 1902, d. 1977
Yarascavitch, Charles, b. 1893, d. 1942, Beloved husband of Caroline S. Norlock
Yarascavitch, Dominic, b. 1933, d. 1934, (s/o Charles and Caroline Yarascavitch)
Yarascavitch, Florian John, no dates
Yarascavitch, Marcella Visneskie, no dates, (w/o Florian John Yarascavitch) God Gives Us Love
Yarascavitch, Sylvester Leo, b. Oct 19, 1926
Yaraskavitch, Josephine Wojciekiewicz, b. 1851, d. 1917, (w/o Peter Yaraskavitch)
Yaraskavitch, Peter, b. 1841, d. 1944, Rest in Peace
Yashinski, Catherine Cashubec, b. 1878, d. 1943, Rest in Peace Mother
Yashinski, Vincent, b. 1910, d. 1933, Son (s/o Catherine Cushubec Yashinski)
Yashinskie, Catherine J.Brszyenskie, b. 1931, (w/o Martin F. Yashinskie)
Yashinskie, Martin F., b. 1917, d. 1986, Grant Them Rest O Lord
Yolkowski, Rita M. Cybulski, b. 1923, d. 1998, And His Wife (w/o Thomas C. Yolkowski)
Yolkowski, Thomas C., b. 1914, d. 1998
Yonin, Lewis Edward, b. 1924, d. 1970, (s/o Norbert and Monica Mask)
Yonin, Monica Mask, b. 1899, d. 1978, (w/o Norbert Yonin) In Loving Memory
Yonin, Norbert, b. 1885, d. 1966
Yutronkie, Agnes, b. Feb 2, 1851, d. Jul 29, 1948, Grandmother (s/s with Philip J. Yutronkie)
Yutronkie, Alex, b. 1893, d. 1975
Yutronkie, Francis P., b. 1925, d. 1994, In God have we put Our Trust
Yutronkie, Magdalene Rozek, b. 1890, d. 1961, Rest in Peace (w/o Philip Yutronkie)
Yutronkie, Mary Visneskie, b. 1906, d. 1985, (w/o Alex Yutronkie) In loving memory, her beloved husband
Yutronkie, Philip J., b. Jan 10, 1923, d. Oct 23, 1983, Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven Brother
Yutronkie, Philip, b. 1895, d. 1954
Yutronkie, Sophia A. Ciehanskie, b. 1927, (w/o Francis P. Yutronkie) Oct 8, 1965
Zadow, Gertrude Gregg, b. Apr 14, 1918, d. Aug 1, 2002
Zastawa, Jozef, b. Mar 10, 1912, d. Sep 11, 2004, Data Slubu 17 1 1937, Wieczne Odpocziwanie Racz im Dac Panie
Zastawa, Wanda Czerniak, b. May 19, 1919, (w/o Jozef Zastawa)
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