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Hillside Memorial Park
Redlands, San Bernardino County, California

GPS: 34.026390, -117.179995

1540 Alessandro Rd
Redlands, CA 92373

Published: October 12, 2016
Total records: 24,529

Surnames Wa-We

Records published here were acquired from the City of Redlands, and covers dates of burial from 1886 to 2014, with the exception of dates 1975 to 1996, which have yet to be digitized.

Wada, Jo Ann Itsuko
, bur. 1951
Waddell, Leon, d. 1966
Waddell, Lula, bur. 1949
Waddell, Mark, White, Sex M, 75 yr, 10 mo, 29 dy, d. 2-Jan-1920, Redlands, pneumonia, bur. 3-Jan-1920, Block: J, Lot: 929
Waddell, Robert L., bur. 1953
Waddell, Talbert, d. 19-Dec-1924
Wade, Bessie, d. 1968
Wade, Chas D., 1 dy, bur. 1-SEP-1899, Lot 219, Relative/Friend: Charles Wade
Wade, Doris Ida, Sex F, b. 22-Aug-1919, d. 30-Nov-2006, Redlands, bur. 12-Dec-2006, Block: SIX, Lot: 443, Location: 10 1/2 SE, Space: E, Relative/Friend: Charles Robert, Grandson
Wade, Eugene, Sex M, b. 23-Sep-1930, d. 30-Mar-2005, La Mesa, bur. 7-Apr-2005, Block: FIVE, Lot: 309, Location: 4 1/2 WE, 2 SS, Space: 8, Relative/Friend: Donna Thomas, Daughter
Wade, Francis Marion, d. 1942
Wade, Ida B., bur. 1947
Wade, Joseph B., d. 21-Oct-1924
Wade, William Eldon, Sex M, b. 2-Aug-1922, d. 11-Dec-2006, Loma Linda, bur. 18-Dec-2006, Block: FIVE, Lot: 310, Location: 1 1/2 EE, 7 NS, Space: 1, Relative/Friend: Phyllis Wade, Wife
Wadkins, Robert Lee, d. 1963
Wadkins, Theartis Ernest, bur. 1953
Wadley, Dolores Maxine, Sex F, b. 17-FEB-1935, d. 27-JUL-2001, Redlands, bur. 3-AUG-2001, Block: SEVEN, Lot: 6, Location: 10 1/2 SE, Space: E, Relative/Friend: Herman D. Wadley, Husband
Wadley, Nicholas Guy, bur. 1954
Wadman, Lolana Irene, b. Calif., d. 1960, Oceanside
Wadsworth, Alvah Chapman, bur. 1947
Wadsworth, Annabell, d. 1929
Wadsworth, Julia Pierce, d. 1973
Wagar, George D., b. Ohio, d. 1960, Redlands
Wagenaar, Herman, d. 9-Jan-1925
Wagenaw, Tjitske, White, Sex F, 68 yr, 2 mo, 1 dy, b. Holland, d. 13-Jul-1921, Redlands, chronic myocarditis, bur. 18-Jul-1921, Block: J, Lot: 898, Relative/Friend: Andrew Wagenaw
Waggener, Nettie Brazeal, bur. 1946
Waggener, Willie O., d. 8-Nov-1923
Waggoner, Geo W., 63 yr, catarrh of stomach, bur. 18-AUG-1902, Lot 1141, Relative/Friend: Phillip Shafer
Waghorn, Ernest, d. 1942
Waghorn, Harold Ernest, bur. 1954
Waghorn, Lillian Rose, d. 1968
Waghorn, Mrs Rosa, bur. 5-Jan-1917, Block: L, Lot: 1272, Relative/Friend: Miss L. R. Waghorn
Wagner, Andrew, bur. 1952
Wagner, Damienne, Sex F, b. 3-Feb-1925, d. 6-Oct-2011, Riverside, bur. 28-Oct-2011, Block: FIVE, Lot: 292, Location: 4 1/2 EE, 4 SS, Space: 2, Relative/Friend: Lance Wagner, Son
Wagner, David A., d. 1940
Wagner, Dora C., d. 1938
Wagner, Edward P., d. 1972
Wagner, Ella M., bur. 1948
Wagner, Emil, bur. 15-Apr-1912, Block: Map #2, Lot: 59
Wagner, Erica V., d. 1942
Wagner, Florence E., d. 1970
Wagner, George Mc Cauley, d. 1969
Wagner, Gratton P., d. 1964
Wagner, Harry Palmer, bur. 1954
Wagner, Heber T., d. 5-Jul-1925
Wagner, Henry S., White, Sex M, 67 yr, 6 mo, 13 dy, b. Pennsylvania, d. 12-Nov-1921, Redlands, tuberculosis, bur. 14-Nov-1921, Block: B, Lot: 105, Relative/Friend: Nan Wagner
Wagner, Homer W., 24 yr, tuberculosis, bur. 10-JAN-1903, Lot 1139, Relative/Friend: M. D. Wagner
Wagner, Homer W., bur. 14-Mar-1921, Block: B, Lot: 328, Relative/Friend: H. T. Wagner
Wagner, Howard James, d. 1975
Wagner, Infant of W. R. Wagner, bur. 14-Oct-1914, Block: J, Lot: 859, Relative/Friend: W. R. Wagner
Wagner, Jean M., d. 1967
Wagner, Jeanette, d. 1970
Wagner, Jessie Colman, d. 1968
Wagner, Joseph Daniel IV, b. Calif., d. 1960, Loma Linda
Wagner, Laura Hutchison, bur. 1957
Wagner, Margaret, bur. 1957
Wagner, Mary Bertha, d. 1971
Wagner, Mary E., d. 1932
Wagner, Millicent May, d. 1935
Wagner, Milton D., White, Sex M, 79 yr, 10 mo, 5 dy, b. Ohio, d. 31-Jan-1921, Redlands, apoplexy, bur. 2-Feb-1921, Block: B, Lot: 328, Relative/Friend: H. T. Wagner
Wagner, Mrs Lola May, Sex F, 31 yr, b. California, d. 5-Apr-1918, Phoenix/AZ, myocarditis, bur. 11-Apr-1918, Block: J, Lot: 807, Relative/Friend: David A. Wagner
Wagner, Mrs Lola, bur. 3-Jun-1918, Block: B, Lot: 192, Relative/Friend: David A. Wagner
Wagner, Nancy M., d. 11-Feb-1924
Wagner, Nelle, Sex F, b. 13-Oct-1919, d. 23-Mar-2011, Redlands, bur. 29-Mar-2011, Block: SIX, Lot: 482, Location: 4 1/2 SE, Space: G, Relative/Friend: David Wagner, Son
Wagner, Robert Alonza, bur. 1946
Wagner, Robert Henry, d. 1973
Wagner, Stewart Alonson, d. 1975
Wagoner, Betty J., d. 1930
Wagoner, Fitchugh Lee, d. 1964
Wagoner, Justin Paul, Sex M, b. 1-MAY-1982, d. 8-APR-2000, Loma Linda, bur. 13-APR-2000, Block: P-A, Lot: 61, Location: SPACE C, Relative/Friend: Cindy Wagoner, Mother
Wagoner, Roy Lee, d. 17-May-1924
Wagster, Sarah Willene, Sex F, b. 11-DEC-1923, d. 9-JAN-1997, Yucaipa, bur. 24-JAN-1997, Block: SIX, Lot: 11, Location: 10' S.E., 4' W.S., Space: D, Relative/Friend: Linda Hattinger, Daughter
Wahlen, John Peter, bur. 1954
Waite, Adaline, 78 yr, Chronic nephitis, bur. 10-JAN-1902, Lot 759, Relative/Friend: Russel Waite
Waite, Alice M., White, Sex F, 62 yr, 1 mo, 21 dy, b. New York, d. 26-Apr-1921, Redlands, cancer of uterus, bur. 26-Apr-1921, Block: B, Lot: 126, Relative/Friend: Chas P. Waite
Waite, Blanch , bur. 1954
Waite, Charles P., d. 1940
Waite, Clara May, Sex F, b. 22-May-1937, d. 14-Dec-2013, San Bernardino, bur. 20-Dec-2013, Block: FOUR, Lot: 304, Location: 4 1/2 NE, Space: B
Waite, Clarance M., bur. 14-Jan-1916, Lot: 792, Relative/Friend: Edgar F. Pierce
Waite, Dorothy Mae, Sex F, b. 24-Apr-1929, d. 21-Aug-2009, Mentone, bur. 27-Aug-2009, Block: ORIGINAL 03, Lot: 761, Location: 2 SE (TOP DD), Space: A, Relative/Friend: Louise Hanser, Niece
Waite, E. Burt, 43 yr, cancer of pancreas, bur. 5-APR-1904, Lot 759, Relative/Friend: Rusell Waite
Waite, E. J., 45 yr, Nephritis, bur. 21-NOV-1897, Lot 761, Relative/Friend: E. J. Waite
Waite, Edward E., bur. 15-May-1916, Lot: 720, Relative/Friend: Anna B. Page
Waite, Judith Lynn, bur. 1945
Waite, Julia M., d. 1941
Waite, Katherine E., d. 1931
Waite, Leo Jones, d. 1969
Waite, March, 7 dy, inanition, bur. 31-AUG-1902, Lot 214, Relative/Friend: E. R. Waite
Waite, Richard Carlyle, b. Calif., d. 1960, Redlands
Waite, Russel, bur. 30-Apr-1907, Lot 759, Relative/Friend: Russel Waite
Waite, sarah Elece, d. 1973
Waitman, Chas, bur. 8-Jun-1908, Block: C, Lot 8, Relative/Friend: Associated Charities
Waitman, Herman Jacob, bur. 1946
Waitman, Mrs Mary M., Sex F, 38 yr, d. 7-Nov-1918, 1238 Herald St./Redlands, influenza, bur. 7-Nov-1918, Block: J, Lot: 923, Relative/Friend: R. L. Waitman
Waitman, Robert Lee, d. 1942
Wake, Alice D., bur. 1956
Wakeman, Ian John, d. 1970
Walck, David Stanton, Sex M, b. 31-Oct-1941, d. 24-Aug-2008, Colton, bur. 9-Sep-2008, Block: FIVE, Lot: 270, Location: 7 1/2 EE, 3 NS, Space: 3, Relative/Friend: Kathryn Walck, Daughter
Walck, Pauline Winona, d. 1967
Walck, Wilbur B., d. 1965
Walcott, Virginia L., d. 1929
Walden, Annie Emily, bur. 1945
Walden, Edward, bur. 27-Dec-1909, Block: G, Lot 698, Relative/Friend: Mrs E. Walden
Walden, Grace, Married, Sex F, 30 yr, 4 mo, 6 dy, d. 1-Feb-1919, East Highland, influenza, bur. 4-Feb-1919, Block: J, Lot: 1079, Relative/Friend: James G. Walden
Walden, James Gardner, d. 1942
Walden, James Garfield, bur. 1953
Walden, Marilda, d. 1940
Waldron, Edmond F., d. 1933
Waldron, Mrs H., bur. 23-May-1910, Block: G, Lot 695, Relative/Friend: E. F. Waldron
Waldrop, Oda, White, Sex M, 40 yr, d. 2-Sep-1919, Barlows Sanitarium/Los Angeles, pulmonary tuberculosis, bur. 5-Sep-1919, Block: B, Lot: 108, Relative/Friend: Mrs Catharine Waldrop
Waldsmith, Edgar C., d. 1966
Waldsmith, Elizabeth H., d. 1972
Waldsmith, Pauline Anna, bur. 1956
Walek, Angeline, d. 1975
Wales, Alberta J., d. 1939
Walgren, Margaret L., d. 1942
Walker, Alice L., d. 1961
Walker, Auburn Elliott, d. 1972
Walker, Byron, d. 18-May-1924
Walker, Carol Lee, Sex F, b. 3-Jun-1938, d. 3-Oct-2013, Banning, bur. 10-Oct-2013, Block: SIX, Lot: 105, Location: 10 NE (TOP DD), Space: C, Relative/Friend: Julie Ann Brophy, Daughter
Walker, Claude C., bur. 1944
Walker, David Elbert, Sex M, b. 26-AUG-1908, d. 18-MAY-1997, Redlands, bur. 29-MAY-1997, Block: EIGHT, Lot: 122, Location: 7 1/2 N.E., 1 W.S., Space: C, Relative/Friend: Susan Walker, Wife
Walker, Elsie Narene, Sex F, b. 24-Jul-1937, d. 30-Apr-2004, Victorville, bur. 7-May-2004, Block: SEVEN, Lot: 38, Location: 10 1/2 SE, 3 WS, Space: E, Relative/Friend: Shonda G. Cornelius, Daughter
Walker, Emma M., b. California, d. 1958, San Bernardino
Walker, Ethel Elizabeth, Sex F, b. 30-May-1919, d. 12-Mar-2012, Roseburg/OR, bur. 23-Mar-2012, Block: SIX, Lot: 38, Location: 14 NE, 2 WS, Space: D, Relative/Friend: J.C. Walker, Son
Walker, Evelyn Olcott, d. 1969
Walker, Floyd James, bur. 1952
Walker, Francis Cleo, d. 1973
Walker, Frank S., 26 yr, tuberculosis, bur. 21-Mar-1905, Lot 202, Relative/Friend: Samuel Walker
Walker, Harriett A., White, Sex F, 72 yr, 29 dy, b. New York, d. 12-Jul-1921, Redlands, chronic myocarditis, bur. 14-Jul-1921, Block: B, Lot: 310, Relative/Friend: Byron Walker
Walker, Homer Aquilla, bur. 1957
Walker, Jane Elizabeth, Sex F, b. 1-Mar-1918, d. 24-Feb-2012, Manteca, bur. 22-Oct-2012, Block: ORIGINAL 04, Lot: 855Y, Location: 1 1/2 SE, 3 WS, Space: 1, Relative/Friend: Karen Norton, Daughter, Both urns in same vault/Jane Walker & Marvin Walker
Walker, Janet, d. 1936
Walker, John W., bur. 22-Apr-1907, Block: L, Lot 1234
Walker, Lee Roy, b. Texas, d. 1959, Redlands
Walker, Lewis A., d. 1942
Walker, Lorine Edward, bur. 1951
Walker, Lucie, d. 1967
Walker, Luzern T., d. 5-May-1926
Walker, Maggie Adria, d. 1961
Walker, Margaret, d. 1930
Walker, Marvin, Sex M, b. 26-Mar-1916, d. 13-Jan-2003, Redlands, bur. 22-Oct-2012, Block: ORIGINAL 04, Lot: 855Y, Location: 1 1/2 SE, 3 WS, Space: 1, Relative/Friend: Karen Norton, Daughter, Both urns in same vault/Jane Walker & Marvin Walker
Walker, Milledge, d. 1970
Walker, Neville C., d. 1939
Walker, Nora Livonia, d. 1967
Walker, Pearl Jack, Sex M, b. 16-Oct-1911, d. 25-Aug-2005, Redlands, bur. 1-Sep-2005, Block: EIGHT X, Lot: 105, Location: 6 NE (TOP DD), Space: B, Relative/Friend: Carol Walker, Daughter
Walker, Robert L., d. 1965
Walker, Rubye Mae, Sex F, b. 28-APR-1914, d. 20-JAN-2000, Highland, bur. 25-JAN-2000, Block: EIGHT X, Lot: 105, Location: 6 NE (1ST DD), Space: B, Relative/Friend: P.J. Walker, Husband
Walker, Ruth H., bur. 1951
Walker, Sandra Ellen, Sex F, b. 17-Jan-1945, d. 30-Mar-2005, Redlands, bur. 20-Apr-2005, Block: EIGHT, Lot: 122, Location: 11 NE, 1 WS, Space: D, Relative/Friend: Susan Walker, Mother
Walker, Sidney C., d. 1972
Walker, Sidney George, d. 1974
Walker, Sidney L., bur. 1957
Wall, Clyde O., bur. 1950
Wall, Donald Oran, bur. 1946
Wall, Elizabeth Belle, d. 1972
Wall, Esther Gertrude, Sex F, b. 11-APR-1917, d. 11-NOV-2002, Redlands, bur. 27-NOV-2002, Block: W, Lot: 21-25, Location: NICHE 23, Relative/Friend: Jesse Wall, Husband
Wall, Frances Marian, Sex F, b. 5-May-1918, d. 29-Nov-2003, Colton, bur. 16-Dec-2003, Block: FOUR, Lot: 410, Location: 10 1/2 SE, 3 WS, Space: E, Relative/Friend: R. Marlene Baldwin, Daughter
Wall, James A., d. 1928
Wall, Jeanette Cornelia, d. 1972
Wall, Neal C., d. 1972
Wall, Sarah A. (Berberick), d. 1975
Wall, Verlin M., d. 1963
Wall, Wilfred T., bur. 1947
Wall, Wilfred T., d. 1936
Wallace, Anna Harriet, d. 31-Mar-1923
Wallace, Annie Madge, d. 1970
Wallace, Annie, bur. 1944
Wallace, Cassandra, d. 1928
Wallace, Edward N., d. 1938
Wallace, Flora C., 25 yr, Tuberculosis, bur. 15-AUG-1904, Lot 1160, Relative/Friend: H. C. Wallace
Wallace, Guy, bur. 1947
Wallace, Harry, 24 yr, Spinal meningitis, bur. 16-OCT-1898, Lot 1130, Relative/Friend: J. E. Wallace
Wallace, Ida M., d. 1943
Wallace, J. E., bur. 18-Nov-1912, Lot: 1130, Relative/Friend: J. E. Wallace
Wallace, Jack Clyde, Sex M, b. 22-Jul-1940, d. 25-Mar-2013, Loma Linda, bur. 12-Jun-2013, Block: FOUR, Lot: 249, Location: 10 1/2 SE, 3 ES, Space: 5, Relative/Friend: Rachael Wallace, Wife
Wallace, James E., d. 1930
Wallace, Louise E., d. 1930
Wallace, Mary Ella, bur. 1957
Wallace, Mary V., d. 1927
Wallace, Mitchell Troy, Sex M, b. 20-OCT-1916, d. 29-JUN-1999, Highland, bur. 6-JUL-1999, Block: FOUR, Lot: 249, Location: 7 1/2 NE, Space: F, Relative/Friend: Doris J. Grove, Daughter
Wallace, Norman S., White, Sex M, 43 yr, b. Australia, d. 16-Feb-1921, Calif Hospital, uraimie convulsions, bur. 19-Feb-1921, Block: A, Lot: 368, Relative/Friend: Mary C. Wallace
Wallace, Viola Burr, d. 1927
Wallace, Wilber L., Sex M, b. 29-May-1919, d. 19-Jun-2005, Redlands, bur. 23-Jun-2005, Block: K, Lot: 1140, Location: 13 1/2 WE, 4 NS, Space: 5, Relative/Friend: Dennis McDonald, Son
Wallace, William Theodore, bur. 1957
Wallack, Addie Rosella, b. Iowa, d. 1959, Glendale
Wallack, Charley W., d. 13-Dec-1926
Wallen, Benton Lee, d. 1965
Wallen, James David, d. 1975
Walling, Arla Dean, Sex F, b. 10-Sep-1939, d. 25-May-2006, Loma Linda, bur. 8-Jun-2006, Block: V, Lot: 31-35, Location: NICHE 31, Relative/Friend: Thomas Walling, Husband
Walling, Mildred Rachel, Sex F, b. 23-Jan-1917, d. 21-Dec-2010, Redlands, bur. 29-Dec-2010, Block: FOUR, Lot: 429, Location: 4 1/2 NE, Space: B, Relative/Friend: Theda McGee, Daughter
Walling, Riley H., d. 1975
Wallis, Clifford Burton, d. 1966
Wallis, Liane Sue, b. San Bernardino, d. 1959, San Bernardino
Wallis, Mark Edward, b. Calif., d. 1960, San Bernardino
Walls, Linda Janice, Sex F, b. 29-FEB-1952, d. 3-JUN-2000, Loma Linda, bur. 7-JUN-2000, Block: FOUR, Lot: 351, Location: 4 1/2 SE, Space: G, Relative/Friend: Grant Garlock, Father
Walrous, Mary C., 51 yr, Pneumonia, bur. 7-FEB-1894, Lot 1222, Relative/Friend: B. F. Watrons
Walser, Theda Victoria, Sex F, b. 26-MAY-1904, d. 11-APR-1998, Redlands, bur. 21-APR-1998, Block: FOUR, Lot: 342, Location: 1 1/2 SE, Space: H, Relative/Friend: Arlene Allsopp, Daughter
Walsh, Edythe M., d. 1961
Walsh, James J., bur. 10-Jul-1907, Block: F, Lot 52, Relative/Friend: E. C. Walsh
Walsh, Katherine, d. 1938
Walsh, Mabel M., d. 1934
Walsh, Suzanne Y., Sex F, b. 19-Nov-1933, d. 28-Feb-2005, Redlands, bur. 4-Mar-2005, Block: SIX, Lot: 402, Location: 4 1/2 SE, Space: G, Relative/Friend: Margaret Stage, Daughter
Walsh, William M., d. 1971
Walter, Calvin Milton, d. 1961
Walter, James P., d. 1931
Walter, John E., d. 1967
Walter, Lorena A., d. 1966
Walter, Samuel Thomas, White, Sex M, 50 yr, 8 mo, 6 dy, d. 26-Feb-1920, Redlands, pernicious anema, bur. 28-Feb-1920, Block: B, Lot: 42, Relative/Friend: Mrs S. T. Walter
Walters, Charles Elwood, bur. 1954
Walters, Christie Susan, b. Calif, d. 1960, Redlands
Walters, Clarence, d. 1964
Walters, Harold Bernard, d. 1961
Walters, Infant, White, Sex M, b. Redlands, d. 12-Jan-1922, Redlands, stillborn, bur. 14-Jan-1922, Block: J, Lot: 902, Relative/Friend: Frank G. Walters
Walters, Jennie, d. 1964
Walters, John B., bur. 9-Sep-1914, Lot: 379, Relative/Friend: C. Gaylord
Walters, Oraetta G., d. 1965
Walters, Sally, b. Kentucky, d. 1959, Redlands
Waltner, Alice Ray, Sex F, b. 5-Sep-1920, d. 6-Mar-2008, Redlands, bur. 13-Mar-2008, Block: L, Lot: 1270 1/2, Location: 1 1/2 ES, NORTH 1/2, Space: 3, Relative/Friend: Jennifer Miller, Daughter
Walton, Charles Dale, bur. 1947
Walton, Charles Joseph, d. 1972
Walton, Charles Joseph, Sex M, b. 23-Jul-1924, d. 22-Sep-2008, Upland, bur. 21-Oct-2008, Block: FIVE, Lot: 45, Location: 2 EE, 6 SS, Space: 1, Relative/Friend: Terri Schloepp, Daughter
Walton, Clara Hutchingson, Sex F, b. 12-OCT-1901, d. 28-JUN-2001, Mentone, bur. 3-JUL-2001, Block: FIVE, Lot: 45, Location: 10 ES, Space: 3, Relative/Friend: Marlene Fiedler, Daughter
Walton, Russell Howard, bur. 1957
Wample, Elizabeth A., d. 1938
Wangford, Cora Ida, bur. 1958
Wanless, Archibald, d. 1931
Wanless, Fannir T., bur. 1948
Wanous, Frank, bur. 1958
Wanous, Mary C., d. 1941
Warburton, Virginia Rose, Sex F, b. 24-Mar-1944, d. 1-May-1997, Alpine, bur. 25-Jan-2005, Block: FIVE, Lot: 188, Location: 1 1/2 WE, 4 SS, Space: 7, Relative/Friend: Roger Warburton, Husband
Ward, Auer Burr, b. Mich., d. 1959, Yucaipa
Ward, Baby Girl, d. 1943
Ward, Chas A., White, Sex M, 68 yr, 5 mo, 15 dy, d. 21-Aug-1919, Redlands, pulmonary tuberculosis, bur. 25-Aug-1919, Block: B, Lot: 185, Relative/Friend: Mrs Marian L. Ward
Ward, Cora Estelle, b. Texas, d. 1959, San Bernardino
Ward, Daisy E., d. 1970
Ward, Dayton, White, Sex M, 71 yr, 9 mo, 1 dy, b. Illinois, d. 16-Sep-1921, Moreno, cancer of prostate, bur. 17-Sep-1921, Block: J, Lot: 938, Relative/Friend: Vernon Ward
Ward, Delilah Ruth, Sex F, b. 2-Jun-1921, d. 22-Sep-2007, Redlands, bur. 22-Sep-2007, Block: ORIG N PALM, Lot: 474 1/2, Location: 4 1/2 NE, Space: 6, Relative/Friend: Stephen Ward, Son
Ward, Edwin M., d. 1974
Ward, Eldred E., d. 1975
Ward, Ella Frances, d. 1931
Ward, Eva M., d. 1939
Ward, Fred Elmer, bur. 1952
Ward, Gary Michael, bur. 1956
Ward, George Cabot, d. 1966
Ward, Geroge Arthur, bur. 1948
Ward, Ida May, d. 1936
Ward, Isabelle M., Sex F, b. 18-Nov-1906, d. 15-Nov-2006, Banning, bur. 20-Nov-2006, Block: I, Lot: 1118, Location: 4 1/2 SE, Space: 2, Relative/Friend: Beverly Patrick, Daughter
Ward, Jack L., d. 1929
Ward, James E., bur. 12-Jun-1910, Block: G, Lot 660, Relative/Friend: Mrs Margaret Ward
Ward, John Albert, bur. 1956
Ward, John Henry, bur. 1946
Ward, Julia Maude, Sex F, b. 3-FEB-1908, d. 20-FEB-1998, Claremont, bur. 12-MAR-1998, Block: FIVE, Lot: 65, Location: 4 1/2 WE, 5 NS, Space: 5, Relative/Friend: Pauline Allman, Niece
Ward, Marcus L., d. 1928
Ward, Marian Lena, bur. 1947
Ward, Marietta, d. 1930
Ward, Mary A., d. 1969
Ward, Mary E., d. 1972
Ward, Maxwell E., d. 12-Apr-1923
Ward, Mrs. Marion, d. 1927
Ward, Pat Jean, Sex F, b. 12-JUN-1931, d. 26-JUL-2003, San Diego, bur. 31-JUL-2003, Block: FOUR, Lot: 125, Location: 10 SE, Space: D, Relative/Friend: Cindy Creed, Daughter
Ward, R. Winn, d. 1971
Ward, Richard Harold, Sex M, b. 30-Jul-1938, d. 23-Oct-2011, Redlands, bur. 17-Oct-2011, Block: FIVE, Lot: 113, Location: 10 1/2 WE, Space: 4, Relative/Friend: Janet Ward, Wife
Ward, Robert David, d. 1966
Ward, Robert Stanley, Sex M, b. 27-APR-1917, d. 21-SEP-2000, Loma Linda, bur. 2-OCT-2000, Block: EIGHT X, Lot: 80, Location: 10 NE (1ST DD), Space: C, Relative/Friend: Roger Ward, Son
Ward, Robin Kay, d. 1966
Ward, Shirley Jean, bur. 1946
Ward, Walter W., bur. 19-Jun-1908, Lot 397, Relative/Friend: Elizabeth Pitcher
Ward, Wilma Juanita, Sex F, b. 18-Jun-1924, d. 18-Nov-2012, Calimesa, bur. 3-Dec-2012, Block: EIGHT X, Lot: 80, Location: 10 NE (TOP DD), Space: C, Relative/Friend: LaVonna Barbier, Daughter
Warden, John Robert, d. 1931
Warden, William Raymond, d. 1965
Wardlaw, Hazel, d. 1973
Wardlaw, Thomas Mitchel , d. 1964
Ware, Edna B., Sex F, 41 yr, 9 mo, 14 dy, d. 23-Jul-1918, Patton, dementia paralytica, bur. 25-Jul-1918, Block: J, Lot: 921, Relative/Friend: Harvey Ware
Ware, Mary Jane P., White, Sex F, 77 yr, 8 mo, 24 dy, b. Massachusettes, d. 22-Mar-1922, Loma Linda, nephritis, bur. 24-Mar-1922, Block: I, Lot: 1011
Ware, Rebecca Suzanne, d. 1975
Waren, E. C. , bur. 5-Feb-1912, Lot: 859, Relative/Friend: E. C. Warren
Waren, Laura E., bur. 23-Feb-1912, Lot: 859, Relative/Friend: E. C. Warren
Waring, Cassius Othello, bur. 1948
Waring, Eugene L., d. 1937
Waring, Eva E., d. 1934
Waring, Harriett M., b. Ohio, d. 1959, San Bernardino
Waring, Walter, bur. 1944
Warjone, Hans Wayne, d. 1966
Warmer, Isaac M., White, Sex M, 40 yr, 11 mo, 1 dy, d. 29-Dec-1918, tuberculosis, bur. 3-Nov-1921, Block: B, Lot: 46, Relative/Friend: Delia M. Warmer
Warner, Agusta, d. 1934
Warner, Florence E., bur. 1950
Warner, Frances L., d. 1931
Warner, Frank, bur. 20-May-1910, Block: D, Lot 465
Warner, Frederick C., d. 1940
Warner, Harold M., d. 17-Nov-1923
Warner, Isac M., Sex M, 40 yr, 11 mo, 1 dy, d. 29-Dec-1918, Redlands, tuberculosis pulmonary, bur. 2-Jan-1919, Block: F, Lot: 571, Relative/Friend: Mrs Delia Warner
Warner, John, d. 30-Mar-1923
Warner, Luther D. , d. 1965
Warner, Mary Elizabeth, Sex F, b. 13-JUN-1927, d. 23-MAR-2000, San Bernardino, bur. 3-APR-2000, Block: W, Lot: 31-35, Location: NICHE 33, Relative/Friend: Stanley C. Warner, Husband
Warner, Mrs. L. M. H., d. 1942
Warner, Nellie Mae, d. 1969
Warner, Nettie J., White, Sex F, 51 yr, 3 mo, 14 dy, b. Ayercliff Canada, d. 3-Jan-1920, Long Beach, gastric carcinoma, bur. 5-Jan-1920, Block: B, Lot: 199, Relative/Friend: W. C. Warner
Warner, Shirley Iris, d. 1933
Warner, Stanley Charles, Sex M, b. 28-May-1926, d. 6-Dec-2007, Loma Linda, bur. 17-Dec-2007, Block: W, Lot: 31-35, Location: NICHE 33, Relative/Friend: Andrea Beechko, Daughter
Warnock, Margaret, bur. 1950
Warren, Alice C., d. 1966
Warren, Craig B., d. 1974
Warren, David Joseph, d. 1963
Warren, Dorothy Elizabeth, d. 1938
Warren, Edmund Charles, d. 1967
Warren, Edmund Francis, bur. 1949
Warren, Gene Naoma, d. 9-Nov-1924
Warren, Georgiana I., d. 1939
Warren, Grace Doughty, d. 1971
Warren, Infant, bur. 9-FEB-1893, Lot 858, Relative/Friend: E. C. Warren
Warren, Jacqueline Jeanne, d. 1965
Warren, Jessie Winona, d. 1960
Warren, Julia Ensign, bur. 1954
Warren, Laura P., 26 yr, epithelona vaginal and astheni, bur. 6-Sep-1906, Lot 859, Relative/Friend: E. C. Waren
Warren, Leslie Ernest, d. 1973
Warren, Mary Pauline, bur. 1953
Warren, Mrs Ellen, bur. 2-Dec-1910, Block: D, Lot 441
Warren, Mrs Helen, bur. 16-Dec-1916, Block: G, Lot: 677, Relative/Friend: T. R. Ferguson
Warren, Raymond E., 16 yr, Endocarditis, bur. 22-MAY-1904, Lot 859, Relative/Friend: E. C. Warren
Warren, Reginald A., d. 1933
Warren, Robert Frances, Sex M, b. 16-Sep-1927, d. 5-May-2013, Downey, bur. 23-Aug-2013, Block: GARDEN 3, Lot: 7, Location: 1 1/2 NE, 1 ES, Space: A, Relative/Friend: Ron Warren, Son
Warren, Robert H., d. 1937
Warren, Sandra Lee, d. 1962
Warren, William A., d. 1933
Warren, William Hayden, b. Missouri, d. 1960, San Bernardino
Warren, William S., 18 yr, capellary bronchitis, bur. 13-FEB-1903, Lot 859, Relative/Friend: E. C. Warren
Warren, Wm S., d. 3-Jan-1927
Warrington, Chester Henry, d. 1968
Warrington, Leota Cathrine, bur. 1958
Washburn, Bernard H., d. 1943
Washburn, Harriett C., d. 1937
Washburn, Sherman H., 52 yr, Pneumonia, bur. 17-FEB-1898, Lot 1195, Relative/Friend: Mrs. S. H. Washburn
Washburn, Sherman H., bur. 26-JUN-1900, Lot 1051, Relative/Friend: Mrs S. H. Washburn
Washburn, Stella, bur. 1955
Washburn, Wilbur, bur. 1946
Washlewsky, Rudolph C., d. 1961
Washmuth, George A., d. 31-Dec-1925
Washmuth, Lellie, d. 1964
Wassenaar, Antoinette, Sex F, b. 13-Mar-1922, d. 31-Dec-2007, Ellsworth/MN, bur. 11-Jan-2008, Block: FOUR, Lot: 275, Location: 10 1/2 SE, Space: E, Relative/Friend: Lorna VanDerLinden, Daughter
Wassenaar, Harriet Jennie, Sex F, b. 31-DEC-1919, d. 16-DEC-1997, Redlands, bur. 22-DEC-1997, Block: NINE, Lot: 24, Location: 4 1/2 EE, Space: G, Relative/Friend: Marlys Bushnell
Wassenaar, Ralph John, d. 1969
Wasson, Una Mary, Sex F, b. 6-OCT-1913, d. 20-JAN-1999, San Bernardino, bur. 27-JAN-1999, Block: K, Lot: 1156, Location: 4 1/2 WE, Space: 2, Relative/Friend: Pamela Pray, Daughter
Waterbury, Flora Avis, d. 1968
Waterbury, Gertrude Blanche, bur. 1953
Waterbury, Nellie Barnard, d. 1960
Waterbury, Roy Russell, d. 1960
Waterhouse, Ethel May, d. 1970
Waterman, Bess C., d. 1970
Waterman, Josephine, d. 1930
Waters, Edwin David George, Sex M, b. 5-Jun-1935, d. 12-Sep-2011, Redlands, bur. 19-Sep-2011, Block: TEN, Lot: 7, Location: 1 1/2 NE, Space: A, Relative/Friend: Dora Waters, Wife
Watje, Marguerite LaVern, d. 1962
Watje, Minnie J., d. 1939
Watje, Mrs Lena, bur. 21-Mar-1916, Block: L, Lot: 1257, Relative/Friend: Mrs Lena Watje
Watje, Peter, bur. 17-Nov-1915, Block: L, Lot: 1257, Relative/Friend: Mrs Lena Watje
Watje, W. F., bur. 28-Sep-1913, Block: G, Lot: 645, Relative/Friend: Mrs Minnie Watze
Watje, Wilbert Carl, b. Iowa, d. 1960, Redlands
Watkins, Abram, d. 1937
Watkins, Alice May, d. 1974
Watkins, Allen Ned, Sex M, b. 19-FEB-1939, d. 28-JUL-2001, Riverside, bur. 6-AUG-2001, Block: EIGHT X, Lot: 99, Location: 2 SE (1ST DD), Space: F, Relative/Friend: Nancy Louise Watkins, Spouse
Watkins, Charles S., d. 1927
Watkins, Della J. Broadwell, bur. 1947
Watkins, Edwin, d. 11-Jan-1925
Watkins, Florence May, d. 1974
Watkins, Fred W., d. 1962
Watkins, Gregory Eugene, Sex M, b. 23-Jul-1961, d. 18-Feb-2013, Yucaipa, bur. 18-Oct-2013, Block: TEN, Lot: 50, Location: 1 1/2 SE, 1 WS, Space: H, Relative/Friend: Ruth A. Watkins, Wife
Watkins, Hiram Heywood, d. 1963
Watkins, Lena Frink, b. Calif., d. 1959, San Bernardino
Watkins, Lorna Meredith, d. 1970
Watkins, Mary H., 33 yr, Consumption, bur. 22-AUG-1899, Lot 1067, Relative/Friend: Mrs. T. H. Watkins
Watkins, Mrs Nancy, bur. 10-Dec-1911, Lot 1067, Relative/Friend: Mrs T. H. Watkins
Watkins, Nannie, bur. 1947
Watkins, Robert R., bur. 1947
Watkins, Thomas H., bur. 17-Jan-1909, Lot 1067, Relative/Friend: Mrs T. H. Watkins
Watkins, Vernon Frink, d. 1970
Watkins, William L., d. 1969
Watling, Nell Elizabeth, d. 1969
Watrons, B. F., 56 yr, bur. 20-SEP-1896, Lot 1221, Relative/Friend: B. F. Watrous
Watse, Barney B. , bur. 1949
Watson, Aubrey W., d. 1971
Watson, Buck, bur. 1952
Watson, Caroline May, d. 1943
Watson, Elmer Ellsworth, d. 1939
Watson, Emma Alice, d. 1964
Watson, Fannie, d. 1940
Watson, Frank H., White, Sex M, 33 yr, 5 mo, 15 dy, b. Pennsylvania, d. 28-Nov-1921, Long Beach, pneumonia, bur. 1-Dec-1921, Block: B, Lot: 329, Relative/Friend: Bernice M. Watson
Watson, Harriet, d. 1943
Watson, Howard George, d. 1971
Watson, Ida Caroline, d. 1964
Watson, Laura, d. 1934
Watson, Leroy Everett, bur. 1951
Watson, Maude, b. Kentucky, d. 1960, San Bernardino
Watson, May Opal, bur. 1944
Watson, Ones Estell, b. Alabama, d. 1960, Redlands
Watson, Robert B., d. 1933
Watson, Robertq Wallace, bur. 1955
Watson, Ruben, bur. 1948
Watson, Theodore I., White, Sex M, 38 yr, 5 mo, 15 dy, b. New York, d. 29-Oct-1922, Anaheim, diabetes, bur. 1-Nov-1922, Lot: 569
Watson, Vickey Carol, d. 1942
Watson, Wilson V., d. 1933
Wattenburg, Jewel, d. 17-Jul-1926
Wattenburg, Ollie M., d. 7-Jun-1925
Watters, Lois Mae, Sex F, b. 12-Jan-1913, d. 17-Dec-2003, Yucaipa, bur. 23-Dec-2003, Block: EIGHT, Lot: 17, Location: 7 1/2 NE, Space: C, Relative/Friend: Ruby Sutton, Daughter
Watterson, Ora Ellen, White, Sex F, 39 yr, 2 mo, 19 dy, b. Texas, d. 6-Jun-1922, Redlands, pellagra, bur. 7-Jun-1922, Block: J, Lot: 940
Watts, Harold E., d. 1927
Watts, Helen E., Sex F, b. 4-Feb-1918, d. 4-Oct-2007, Redlands, bur. 18-Oct-2007, Block: EIGHT X, Lot: 55, Location: 1 1/2 SE, Space: H, Relative/Friend: Susan Crawford, Daughter
Watts, Lloyd Albert, Sex M, b. 4-AUG-1917, d. 30-AUG-2002, Redlands, bur. 12-SEP-2002, Block: EIGHT X, Lot: 55, Location: 1 SE, 2 WS, Space: H, Relative/Friend: Helen Watts, Wife
Watts, Mary Etta, d. 1931
Watts, Richard I., d. 1931
Watts, Richard W., d. 1934
Waymire, Joseph H., d. 1973
Waymire, Liucille Margaret, bur. 1952
Wbber, James M., d. 1939
Wearden, Dorithy E., bur. 29-Aug-1913, Block: L, Lot: 1229, Relative/Friend: Mrs Lizzie Sandy
Wearden, Eunice, White, Sex F, 35 yr, b. Illinois, d. 2-Jan-1922, Redlands, suicide, bur. 5-Jan-1922, Block: B, Lot: 128, Relative/Friend: T. E. Wearden
Wearden, Thomas Edward, bur. 1958
Wearne, Florence Ida, bur. 1953
Wearne, Howard Eugene, d. 1973
Wearne, Lloyde Emerson, d. 1960
Wearne, Richard, d. 1927
Weathereye, Kathryn Hesser, Sex F, b. 1-JUN-1918, d. 11-AUG-1997, San Jose, bur. 18-AUG-1997, Block: SIX, Lot: 359, Location: 7 1/2 N.E., Space: C, Relative/Friend: Robert Weatherup, Spouse
Weatherman, Willism Earl, d. 1973
Weatherup, Robert Alexander, Sex M, b. 19-Dec-1916, d. 6-Dec-2003, Portola Valley, bur. 19-Dec-2003, Block: SIX, Lot: 39, Location: 4 1/2 NE, Space: B, Relative/Friend: Ann Gage, Daughter
Weatherwax, George E., d. 1966
weatherwax, Katherine, d. 1968
Weaver, Barbara Ruth, d. 1970
Weaver, H. S. , 40 yr, Consumption, bur. 8-JAN-1897, Lot 701, Relative/Friend: Maxey
Weaver, Harmon, d. 1931
Weaver, Louella K., d. 1939
Weaver, Mabel, d. 23-Nov-1924
Weaver, Marguette, 31 yr, tuberculosis, bur. 16-Nov-1905, Lot 30, Relative/Friend: Mrs A. F. Lemke
weaver, Marion Elizabeth, d. 1974
Weaver, Opal I., d. 1972
Weaver, Ralph R., Sex M, b. 22-JUL-1910, d. 13-APR-2000, Redlands, bur. 20-APR-2000, Block: EIGHT, Lot: 85, Location: 6 NE, Space: B, Relative/Friend: Chuck Weavor, Son
Webb, Anna Belle, d. 1937
Webb, Carmen Agatha, d. 1966
Webb, Frances Gay, Sex F, b. 3-Mar-1904, d. 13-Sep-2007, Coronado, bur. 19-Oct-2007, Block: H, Lot: 23, Location: 4 1/2 SE, 3 ES, Space: 2, Relative/Friend: Robert Webb III, Son
Webb, Gladys Jackson, d. 1963
Webb, John, d. 1931
Webb, Lena Rudd, d. 1967
Webb, Lotus J., d. 7-Dec-1926
Webb, Mary O., bur. 7-Apr-1909, Block: D, Lot 434, Relative/Friend: Lorena Webb
Webb, Oscar Allen, bur. 1958
Webb, Roland E., White, Sex M, 2 yr, 7 mo, 10 dy, b. California, d. 30-Sep-1921, Stockton, entero colites, bur. 4-Oct-1921, Block: J, Lot: 964, Relative/Friend: Arra B. Webb
Webb, William B., d. 16-Apr-1926
Webbeking, Sidonia, d. 1971
Webber, Alfred H., bur. 10-Sep-1910, Lot 1137, Relative/Friend: Frank Webber
Webber, Anna Ruby, d. 1967
Webber, Bertha May, Lot 1176
Webber, Birdie Belle, bur. 1948
Webber, Carlos Allan, d. 1970
Webber, Charles A., bur. 1945
Webber, Ethel, Spanish, Sex F, 23 yr, 8 mo, 1 dy, d. 6-Jan-1920, Redlands, tuberculosis of lungs & bowels, bur. 7-Jan-1920, Block: F, Lot: 568
Webber, George E., d. 1972
Webber, Geroge, b. N.Y., d. 1959, Patton
Webber, Jesse Lyons, bur. 1952
Webber, Margaret, 3 yr, Carbolic Acid, bur. 11-OCT-1899, Lot 219, Relative/Friend: Mrs. Webber
Webber, Margaret, bur. 11-OCT-1900, Block: MAP #2, Lot 1, Relative/Friend: Mary A. Webber
Webber, Mary Ann , bur. 1957
Webber, Mary Bella, d. 1935
Webber, Mary Rachel, b. Ohio, d. 1959, Long Beach
Webber, Mrs M. M., bur. 18-Nov-1911, Lot 550, Relative/Friend: Frank Webber
Webber, William T., d. 1942
Webber, Zalmon F., bur. 12-Oct-1921, Lot: 658, Relative/Friend: C. A. Webber
Webber, Zalmon F., bur. 9-Nov-1908, Lot 588, Relative/Friend: C. A. Webber
Weber, Anna M., d. 1940
Weber, Christine Mary, d. 1969
Weber, Donald E., d. 1934
Weber, Francis, 81 yr, heart failure, bur. 3-Mar-1906, Lot 550, Relative/Friend: Frank Webber
Weber, Frank, d. 1960
Weber, Frederick Lewis, bur. 1947
Weber, Henry A., d. 16-Apr-1926
Weber, Valentine, d. 1930
Weber, William B., d. 15-Dec-1923
Webster, A. J., 74 yr, heart failure, bur. 10-FEB-1903, Lot 1053, Relative/Friend: Mrs A. J. Webster
Webster, Elizabeth Asenith, d. 1961
Webster, Lillie Edith, bur. 1948
Webster, Marvin Eugene, bur. 1945
Webster, Mary J., White, Sex F, 73 yr, 4 mo, 18 dy, d. 1-Feb-1920, Redlands, pernicious anemina, bur. 3-Feb-1920, Lot: 1053, Relative/Friend: Joseph E. Moore
Webster, Raymon Arthur, b. Yucaipa, d. 1958, Yucaipa
Webster, Rebecca T., Sex F, b. 31-OCT-1899, d. 24-JAN-1999, Redlands, bur. 28-JAN-1999, Block: SIX, Lot: 289, Location: 4 1/2 NE, Space: B, Relative/Friend: Ethel Clark, Daughter
Webster, Robert O., d. 1941
Webster, Rutherford B. Hayes, bur. 1954
Wedberg, Axel, bur. 1946
Wedberg, Hildur B., d. 1942
Wedberg, Infant, d. 20-Dec-1926
Wedberg, Margaret E., b. Ireland, d. 1958, Ontario
Wedburg, Albert, bur. 6-Jul-1907, Lot 1192, Relative/Friend: Axel Wedburg
Wedburg, Infant, Sex F, 8 dy, Cholera Infantion, bur. 18-JUL-1896, Lot 1192, Relative/Friend: Axel Wedburg
Wedge, Ludies, White, Sex F, 7 mo, b. Mentone/CA, d. 19-Feb-1921, Mentone, pneumonia, bur. 21-Feb-1921, Block: F, Lot: 485, Relative/Friend: Joe Wedge
Weed, Alice Louise, d. 1963
Weed, Ella Mary, bur. 1949
Weed, Franklin D., White, Sex M, 58 yr, 5 mo, 12 dy, b. Ohio, d. 17-Feb-1923, Redlands, embolism, bur. 19-Feb-1923, Block: M, Lot: 1297
Weed, John C., d. 1930
Weeks, Charles Alfonso, d. 1972
Weeks, Clara Hathaway, b. Iowa, d. 1959, Redlands
Weeks, Eva G., 26 yr, Gastric ulcer, bur. 27-OCT-1897, Lot 1121, Relative/Friend: Dr. O. D. Weeks
Weeks, Eva G., bur. 14-JUL-1903, Relative/Friend: Dr Weeks
Weeks, Hanna Jane, d. 1968
Weeks, Harry H., d. 1962
Weeks, Harry P., d. 1962
Weeks, Ida May, d. 1974
Weeks, Lauretta T., d. 1968
Weeks, Lizzie Belle, bur. 1958
Weeks, Mary J., d. 1960
Weeks, Mrs. Hariett E., bur. 21-Jan-1913, Lot: 633, Relative/Friend: J. M. Casebeer
Weeks, Richard Ellsworth, bur. 1953
Weeks, Samuel Richard, bur. 1955
Weeks, Stanley Paul, d. 1943
Weeks, Victoria Lynn, d. 1970
Weerns, Kenneth Jr., bur. 1945
Wegley, Donald E., d. 1965
Wegman, Infant of F. Wegman, bur. 22-Sep-1911, Block: D, Lot 439, Relative/Friend: F. Weggman
Wehner, Albert Leopold, d. 1969, Moved 10/24/1972 to Block SIX, Lot 229
Wehner, Ottilie M., d. 1972
Weibel, Baby Girl, d. 1972
Weibel, Peter J., d. 1971
Weidenaar, Elke, bur. 25-Aug-1913, Block: J, Lot: 843, Relative/Friend: John Braaksma
Weigand, Henry, bur. 1957
Weikal, Maude Mary, bur. 1956
Weikal, Venus H., d. 1974
Weiners, Didney, d. 1928
Weins, Henry W>, d. 1968
Weir, Ralph Cleburne, Sex M, b. 8-Aug-1940, d. 11-Aug-2011, Glendora, bur. 30-Aug-2011, Block: NINE, Lot: 8, Location: 4 1/2 WS, Space: B, Relative/Friend: Wendell Weir, Brother
Weis, Marcellus Charles, d. 1967
Weis, Mathias Edward, bur. 1956
Weisberg, Beverly Jean, Sex F, b. 16-Sep-1930, d. 19-Sep-2013, Sierra Vista/AZ, bur. 28-Oct-2013, Block: S, Lot: 67-72, Location: NICHE 71, Relative/Friend: Richard Weisberg, Son
Weisbrod, George W., d. 1937
Weise, Rudolph Randeleff, d. 1966
Weisinger, Emma Belle, d. 1962
Weisinger, Henry E., d. 1970
Weismiller, Frances Power, Sex F, b. 8-Jan-1919, d. 11-Feb-2012, Santa Barbara, bur. 10-Oct-2012, Block: J, Lot: 794, Location: 2 1/2 EE, 2 SS, Space: 5, Relative/Friend: Georgia Sargeant, Daughter
Weismiller, Peter Wilson, Sex M, b. 22-Jan-1949, d. 14-Jan-2013, Seattle/WA, bur. 13-Mar-2013, Block: J, Lot: 794, Location: 2 1/2 EE, 3 NS, Space: 5, Relative/Friend: Mariana Chaffee, Sister
Weismore, Karl T., d. 1930
Weisner, Earnest, bur. 9-Jun-1916, Block: J, Lot: 869, Relative/Friend: R. E. Weisner
Weissend, John A., d. 1961
Weissend, Theresa Phillipene, d. 1962
Weist, Frank Milton, d. 1966
Weisz, Robert Allan, Sex M, b. 2-Oct-1950, d. 22-Dec-2011, Redlands, bur. 11-Jan-2012, Block: GARDEN 2, Lot: 4, Location: 7 SS, 2 EE, Space: A, Relative/Friend: Bonnie Weisz, Wife
Welbanks, Arthur, bur. 1944
Welbanks, Carrie Lucinda, d. 1973
Welch, Cora M., bur. 15-Sep-1909, Block: L, Lot 1238, Relative/Friend: John Burden
Welch, Harry, White, Sex M, b. unknown, d. 27-Aug-1922, Loma Linda Sanitarium, cerebral hemmorhage, bur. 29-Aug-1922, Block: D, Lot: 464
Welch, Maude B., bur. 1958
Welch, Michael, d. 1932
Welch, Philip H., d. 1963
Weld, Albert James, d. 1972
Weld, Alma M., bur. 10-Jul-1912, Lot: 655, Relative/Friend: F. H. Weld
Weld, Frank H., d. 1941
Weld, Lauretta M., d. 1972
Weleff, Wassel, d. 1971
Welkal, Sam P., d. 1974
Welker, Charles O., bur. 1945
Welker, Donald E., d. 1964
Welker, Jesse G., d. 1940
Weller, Benjamin, d. 1937
Weller, Meyer, 4 dy, Feebel constuttion, bur. 5-DEC-1901, Lot 1182, Relative/Friend: Ben Weller
Wellington, Helen B., White, Sex F, 31 yr, 1 mo, 5 dy, b. Pennsylvania, d. 12-Nov-1921, County Hospital, tuberculosis, bur. 14-Nov-1921, Block: M, Lot: 1278, Relative/Friend: A. E. Carter
Wellington, Velda, d. 1938
Wellman, Louise E., d. 1936
Wellman, Maybella, d. 1928
Wells Yarbrough, Doris E., Sex F, b. 6-Jul-1918, d. 20-Dec-2005, Redlands, bur. 26-Jan-2006, Block: B, Lot: 295, Location: 2 1/2 NE, 4 ES, Space: 5, Relative/Friend: Judson Wells, Son
Wells, Alba L., d. 1937
Wells, Angie, d. 1942
Wells, Arthur W., d. 1962
Wells, Bessie Mearl, d. 1967
Wells, Beverly Gayle, bur. 1947
Wells, Chas W., d. 1930
Wells, Curtis, 58 yr, Chronic parenchymatous nephitis, bur. 18-MAR-1898, Lot 1030, Relative/Friend: Mrs. Curtis Wells
Wells, Dabiel, bur. 1955
Wells, Donald Ross, Sex M, b. 23-Jul-1921, d. 28-Nov-2003, Loma Linda, bur. 7-Jan-2004, Block: SIX, Lot: 486, Location: 7 1/2 NE, 3 WS, Space: C, Relative/Friend: Georgia Wells, Wife
Wells, Dorcas A., d. 1962
Wells, Elizabeth Lucinda, d. 1960
Wells, Florence D., Sex F, b. 13-Feb-1921, d. 4-Jul-2004, Redlands, bur. 8-Jul-2004, Block: SIX, Lot: 428, Location: 7 1/2 NE, Space: C, Relative/Friend: Jon Wells, Son
Wells, Frances C., bur. 23-Aug-1913, Lot: 1030, Relative/Friend: Curtis Wells
Wells, George P., b. Penn., d. 1960, Yucaipa
Wells, Grace Elene, d. 1968
Wells, Grace Lawson, bur. 1950
Wells, Hattie L., d. 1974
Wells, Hervey Harter Sr., d. 1974
Wells, Irene B., d. 1963
Wells, Jane Ann, d. 1972
Wells, Jane, d. 1941
Wells, Judson E., d. 1931
Wells, Karl Colbey, bur. 1955
Wells, Kate Olive, bur. 1945
Wells, Mary Colby, bur. 1957
Wells, Mary Elizabeth, d. 1936
Wells, Michael L., Sex M, b. 27-OCT-1952, d. 3-JAN-2000, Banning, bur. 25-JAN-2000, Block: T, Lot: 91-96, Location: NICHE 91, Relative/Friend: Lynnette R. Wells, Wife
Wells, Nettie Elizabeth, bur. 1946
Wells, Oscar M., d. 1970
Wells, Phyllis Ann, Sex F, b. 12-DEC-1929, d. 6-SEP-2002, Yucaipa, bur. 12-DEC-2002, Block: URN GARDEN, Lot: 2-D, Location: 1 WS, 1 SE, Space: D-10, Relative/Friend: Joyce Irene McAlpine, DPOA
Wells, Ralph, bur. 1-Aug-1908, Block: D, Lot 475, Relative/Friend: Mrs Grace B. Wells
Wells, Robert Lee, b. Calif., d. 1959, Yucaipa
Wells, Ruben L., bur. 13-Oct-1912, Block: J, Lot: 736, Relative/Friend: Walter J. Wells
Wells, Selma O., Sex F, b. 26-Jan-1914, d. 20-Sep-2003, Loma Linda, bur. 4-Oct-2003, Block: FIVE, Lot: 25, Location: 6 1/2 WS, Space: 5, Relative/Friend: Betty Bennett, Daughter
Wells, Simeon H., bur. 9-Jun-1913, Block: J, Lot: 797, Relative/Friend: Mrs Angie Wells
Wells, Wallace C., d. 1931
Wells, Walter L., d. 1929
Wells, William E. Jr., d. 1969
Wells, William Steward, d. 1970
Weltmer, Raymond Baldwin, d. 1969
Welton, Annie J., b. Conn., d. 1959, Redlands
Welton, Margaret I., d. 1927
Welton, Mrs Hariett, bur. 6-Jan-1909, Lot 518, Relative/Friend: X. A. Walton
Welton, X. A., bur. 4-Feb-1913, Lot: 518, Relative/Friend: X. A. Wilton
Wendt, Helen M., Sex F, b. 20-Nov-1923, d. 4-Oct-2010, Loma Linda, bur. 19-Oct-2010, Block: U, Lot: 1-5, Location: NICHE1, Space: 1, Relative/Friend: Bonnie Husky, Daughter
Wendt, Williams Francis Lt., bur. 1946
Wenger, Emma Eudora, bur. 1951
Wenger, Oliver D., bur. 1953
Wennermark, Elmer F., d. 1973
Werry, Gloria McClure, Sex F, b. 1-JUN-1924, d. 17-DEC-1998, Orange, bur. 31-DEC-1998, Block: FOUR, Lot: 210, Location: 7 1/2 NE, 2 WS, Space: C, Relative/Friend: Melonee Vartanian, Daughter
Wert, David Marshall, d. 1971
Wesley, Emma, d. 1940
Wesley, John Francis, d. 2-May-1925
Wessel, Hanna Minerva, White, Sex F, 87 yr, 8 mo, 10 dy, d. 27-Sep-1919, Redlands, nephritis, bur. 29-Sep-1919, Lot: 627, Relative/Friend: John Wessel
Wessel, John, d. 1935
West, Caroline, d. 1970
West, Cornelia Jane, bur. 1954
West, Dortha Jean, Sex F, b. 27-Mar-1922, d. 7-Feb-2008, Nashville/TN, bur. 20-Feb-2008, Block: ORIG 04, Lot: 793, Location: 2 ES, 4 ES, Space: 1, Relative/Friend: Patricia Carter, Daughter
West, Edith Alberta, d. 1964
West, Genevieve, d. 1936
West, Gordon Dean, bur. 1953
West, Helen B., d. 1973
West, James, bur. 5-Aug-1910, Block: D, Lot 468, Relative/Friend: W. W. West
West, Jamie Dixon, d. 1963
West, John Daniel, bur. 1951
West, Jonathon, d. 2-Jan-1926
West, Joseph Lee, d. 1927
West, Joseph, Sex M, 45 yr, Gunshot wound in chest, bur. 16-MAY-1899, Lot 217
West, Mary E., 55 yr, tuberculosis, bur. 7-May-1905, Lot 201, Relative/Friend: Johnathan West
West, Myrtle, bur. 13-Jan-1916, Block: G, Lot: 709, Relative/Friend: Mrs L. West
West, Raymond L., bur. 1955
West, Richard Darwin, Sex M, b. 16-Nov-1924, d. 17-Oct-2010, Yucaipa, bur. 29-Oct-2010, Block: W, Lot: 1-5, Location: NICHE 4, Relative/Friend: Sally West, Wife
West, Ruth I., Sex F, b. 6-JAN-1910, d. 18-DEC-2000, Redlands, bur. 21-DEC-2000, Block: SIX, Lot: 131, Location: 10 SE, Space: D, Relative/Friend: Joseph West, Son
West, Severance, bur. 28-May-1909, Block: G, Lot 709, Relative/Friend: Mrs. L. West
West, William Frederick, d. 1968
West, William L., d. 1973
Westbrook, Dolores Sarah, Sex F, b. 4-Jun-1912, d. 11-Sep-2009, Hemet, bur. 22-Sep-2009, Block: FOUR, Lot: 389, Location: 7 1/2 NE, Space: A, Relative/Friend: Kathy Savage, Granddaughter
Westen Jr., Lawrence Vincent, Sex M, b. 4-JAN-1926, d. 23-MAY-2003, Redlands, bur. 29-MAY-2003, Block: SIX, Lot: 400, Location: 7 1/2 EE, Space: F, Relative/Friend: Robin D. Westen, Wife
Westerberg, Beda K., d. 1971
Westerberg, Iwar Sigurd, d. 1967
Westerbrook, Helen B., Sex F, b. 5-OCT-1901, d. 22-JUL-1998, Evans/GA, bur. 3-SEP-1998, Block: B, Lot: 2, Location: 14 1/2 NE, 4 WS, Space: 2, Relative/Friend: Lessie Bolling, Sister
Westerbrook, Herman Albert, b. Unknown, d. 1959, Laguna Beach
Westerbrook, Lassie Belle, bur. 1956
Westerhold, Edward Perine, bur. 1957
Westervelt, Ada, d. 1969
Westervelt, Joseph C., d. 1930
Westfield, Hugh Martin, bur. 1953
Westlund, Carl, bur. 1947
Westlund, Clara M., d. 1962
Westlund, Quincy C., bur. 1944
Westmann, Cliffors Lyman, d. 1965
Weston, John, d. 1940
Weston, Lulah May, bur. 1949
Westphal, Peter Axel, bur. 1951
Weth, Dora, d. 1933
Wetmore, Irene Frances, bur. 1949

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    A free online library of cemetery records from thousands of cemeteries across the world, for historical and genealogy research.

    Clear Digital Media, Inc.

    What makes us Different?

    Single-sourced, not crowd-sourced

    Each transcription we publish comes from a single-source, be it the cemetery office, government office, church office, archived document, a tombstone transcriber. Other websites already do an excellent job of crowd-sourcing a single cemetery together. But genealogists also need to see the original records from a single source. That's what we offer.